strengthen your immune system

Sabrina Kempe is a freelance writer for the medical team. She studied biology, specializing in molecular biology, human genetics and pharmacology. After her training as a medical editor in a renowned specialist publisher, she was responsible for specialist journals and a patient magazine. Now she writes articles on medical and scientific topics for experts and laypeople and edits scientific articles by doctors.

More about the experts All content is checked by medical journalists.

How can I strengthen my immune system? Many people ask themselves this question in the cold season and especially with regard to the current corona pandemic. In fact, there is a lot you can do yourself. Here you can find answers to all the important questions on the subject: How can I keep my immune system fit? What can you do about a weak immune system? Why are vaccinations important?

Tips to strengthen the immune system

A healthy immune system is actually able to fulfill its tasks without external help - to protect the body from pollutants, pathogens and pathogenic cell changes (as in cancer). However, you can do your part in various ways to keep your immune system strong.

Refrain from nicotine and alcohol

Nicotine and alcohol are poisons for the body. They promote cancer and impair the function of cells and organs. In addition, they have a negative impact on the immune system. You should therefore avoid tobacco products and avoid alcohol.

Avoid stress

Extreme stress weakens the immune system. The body then releases too much of the stress hormone cortisol or large amounts of certain immune messenger substances circulate in the blood. Among other things, this promotes cardiovascular diseases and increases the susceptibility to infections. This applies to physical stress as well as to mental stress.

In order to strengthen your immune system, you should avoid any stress as much as possible, for example by taking small breaks in your packed schedule, delegating work, and in between, repeatedly feeling how you are doing - in other words, by being careful with yourself!

This also includes, for example, allowing fear, sadness, anger and other negative feelings. If you suppress it convulsively, it can also trigger stress.

Targeted relaxation is also advisable. Relaxation techniques such as autogenic training, progressive muscle relaxation or yoga are proven to be suitable for this. For example, it has been shown that yoga, tai chi and qigong, but also meditation, have a positive effect on the immune system.

Stress can also be counteracted with various breathing techniques. For example, try this: alternately inhale for four seconds and then exhale for six seconds, for a total of five to ten minutes. Do this breathing exercise twice a day!

Our thoughts can both promote and reduce stress. The latter is achieved, for example, by means of imagination: You can create images in your head and put yourself mentally into situations in which you felt comfortable - for example during a walk on the beach or a wellness bath. The feelings that you felt back then in the relaxed situation can be evoked again by imagining.

Laughing and singing

Positive-minded people who are often happy, satisfied or relaxed are infected with cold or flu viruses just as often as other people. But they probably show fewer symptoms or even develop the infection less often. In addition, researchers have found evidence that cheerful laughter - but not shameful or fearful laughter - strengthens the immune system. In studies, among other things, it increased the activity of certain immune cells: the natural killer cells (NK), a group of white blood cells (lymphocytes).

Laughter therapies such as laughter yoga or laughter meditation provide support for a good mood.

Singing together seems to be a good way to strengthen the immune system. British researchers found this effect at least in cancer patients who were members of a choir. Singing together not only lifted the mood and lowered the test subjects' stress level. It also increased the activity of cytokines - messenger substances that help, among other things, to make the body's defenses fit against pathogens and tumor cells. In contrast, immune messengers that promote inflammation decreased during singing.

Get enough sleep

With enough sleep, the immune system can also be strengthened. The body's defenses recover most effectively at night. Regular sleep for six to nine hours has been proven to protect against colds. On the other hand, too much sleep (more than nine hours) is not beneficial for your health and can even promote depression. The information applies to adults and not to children who have a higher need for sleep.

If you suffer from difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, you should pay particular attention to good sleep hygiene. For example, introduce fixed evening rituals (e.g. listening to soft music, drinking a cup of tea) and avoid the perky blue light on the TV screen, PC, tablet or mobile phone before going to bed.

Exercise regularly and moderately

You can also strengthen your immune system with regular physical activity, preferably outdoors (see below). It is most effective if you are moderately active every day. On the other hand, it has a negative effect if you only rarely train intensively. For example, if you overwork, the risk of a viral upper respiratory infection increases in the short term.

On the other hand, if you regularly go outside to jog, walk or cycle, you can build up your immune system or keep it fit. Regularly active people are less likely to catch a cold or have less pronounced symptoms if they do fall ill.

Soak up the sun and nature

Fresh air and a natural environment also strengthen the immune system. In Japanese studies, for example, a stay of several days in the forest could increase the number of immune cells as well as lower the blood pressure and the level of stress hormones. This so-called "forest bathing" is a recognized form of therapy in Japan.

We also need fresh air regularly in our office or apartment. A good oxygen saturation in the air supports the immune system. So: ventilate regularly!

We also need sunlight. On the one hand, laboratory tests have shown that the blue and ultraviolet parts of sunlight increase the activity of certain immune cells, the T cells.

On the other hand, the body needs the UV-B component in sunlight to produce vitamin D. The body needs this hormone not only for strong bones, but also for an intact immune defense. For example, recent observational studies indicate a possible connection between vitamin D deficiency and increased susceptibility to respiratory infections. However, this correlation should be investigated in more detail.

Whether for the sake of your bones or your immune system - do not take any vitamin D supplements on your own! Overdosing can be harmful to your health. Instead, have your doctor determine your vitamin D status. If he detects a deficiency, it can often be compensated for by foods rich in vitamin D and spending more time outdoors. If not, the doctor will recommend a suitable vitamin D supplement for you.

Sun is only healthy in moderation - too much of it increases the risk of skin cancer and weakens the immune system!

Alternating showers, sauna and Kneipp therapy

You can strengthen your immune system by "hardening" yourself - with alternating showers, saunas or Kneipp therapy. In all cases, the change between cold and hot ensures that the blood vessels alternately narrow and widen. This promotes blood circulation throughout the body. In this way, immune cells can reach a site of infection more quickly. In addition, the number of immune cells (white blood cells) is likely to increase. Used regularly, a cold-hot application strengthens the body's defenses.

If you have a cold, urinary tract infection and, above all, a fever, you should avoid showering, sauna and Kneipp therapy! These methods are only useful for the prevention and not for the treatment of a cold!

Instructions for alternate showers

First take a (lukewarm) warm shower, then shower off with cool / cold water: start on the right foot and shower on the outside up to the hip, on the inside of the thigh back to the foot, then do the same on the left leg. Then rinse the arms from the back of the right hand over the outside of the arm to the shoulder and armpit and back over the inside of the arm to the palm. You can then take a warm shower again before repeating the cold shower. Finally dry off quickly and dress warm enough.

In summer, however, you should avoid taking a cold shower, otherwise you will sweat all the more due to a feedback effect. It is better to do the Kneipp knee shower on hot days after a lukewarm shower.

Instructions for the Kneipp knee cast

Run a soft, cold jet of water from the right little toe over the calf up to a hand's breadth over the knee, linger there for about five seconds, then let the water jet travel down the inside of the lower leg to the foot. Do the same on the left leg. Then repeat the whole thing. Finally, rinse off the sole of the right and then the left foot, then put on socks, move around or go to bed for half an hour.

Please note: only perform with warm feet! Do not use if you are cold, have a urinary tract infection, lumbago, or are menstruating.

Dress warmly enough

If we cool down, the immune system is weakened - pathogens such as bacteria or viruses can then settle down more easily. The head, feet and abdomen in particular should stay warm to prevent colds or cystitis, for example. That's why you should put on a hat on cold days, put on an undershirt and sometimes wear thick socks when your feet are cold.

Drink enough

Provide your body with sufficient fluids every day, ideally in the form of water, still mineral water or herbal tea. One of the purposes of this is to keep the mucous membranes in the airways moist. If these dry out, the removal of viruses and bacteria works less well - this increases the susceptibility to infection.

Change the type of herbal tea you drink more often. As healthy as lemon balm, nettle, peppermint & Co. are - no medicinal herb should be taken as tea for a long time, especially not in large quantities.

Eat a balanced diet

You can also strengthen your immune system with the right diet. We recommend a balanced, high-fiber diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grain products, fish and vegetable fats. This is how you take in sufficient amounts of immune-boosting nutrients. If these are missing, the body is more susceptible to infections, and the disease may even be more severe.

The following list shows which nutrients are particularly important for a strong immune system and which foods are good sources for them:

  • Protein building blocks (amino acids): eggs, meat, fish, dairy products, nuts, legumes (such as beans, lentils, soybeans)
  • Copper: fish, nuts, whole grain products, legumes, cocoa, offal
  • Folic acid: yeast, wheat germ, lentils, liver, dark green leafy vegetables, egg yolks, parsley, garden cress, sunflower seeds
  • Iron: red meat, offal such as liver, legumes
  • Zinc: corn, meat, offal, oysters and other seafood, fish, hard cheese, eggs, legumes, whole grain products
  • Selenium: fish, meat, lentils, nuts, asparagus, mushrooms, cabbage vegetables, eggs and seafood
  • Vitamin A: liver, sea fish, eggs, milk and dairy products
  • Beta-carotene (vitamin A precursor): carrots, spinach, broccoli, paprika, cherries, grapefruit, sweet potato
  • Vitamin B6: meat, salmon, herring, milk and dairy products, potatoes, avocado, nuts
  • Vitamin B12: meat, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products
  • Vitamin C: acerola, rose hips, sea buckthorn, black currants, citrus fruits, cabbage, fresh vegetables, parsley, wild garlic
  • Vitamin E: vegetable oils, nuts, sweet potatoes
  • Vitamin D: fatty sea fish, edible mushrooms, eggs
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: fatty sea fish, algae, vegetable oils
  • secondary plant substances: e.g. phenolic acids, flavonoids in fruits and lipoic acid in spinach and broccoli

A balanced diet is usually enough to provide you with all the nutrients you need in sufficient quantities. Dietary supplements are only advisable in certain cases and after consulting a doctor (e.g. vitamin B12 preparation for vegans). Because in excess, some nutrients can cause side effects.

Natural helpers: garlic, ginger & Co.

Nature has a number of natural helpers that can strengthen the immune system. These include garlic, ginger, honey and echinacea (coneflower).

>> Garlic: The ingredient allicin in particular works against bacteria (antimicrobial effect). A strengthening of the immune system in the fight against viruses is also possible with garlic. Studies show that if you take a garlic preparation for three months you will catch cold less often (colds are caused by viruses).

The consumption of garlic can leave unpleasant marks on breath and body odor. This also applies to garlic supplements. It is not recommended to take them in certain cases, for example during the use of anticoagulant medication (e.g. ASA, clopidogrel, warfarin), one to two weeks before an operation and in the case of acute gastrointestinal inflammation. Diabetics should discuss the permitted garlic dose with their doctor - the medicinal plant has an antihypertensive effect.

Children under 10 months should not be given garlic! Garlic can be dangerous in large quantities, especially for children, pregnant and breastfeeding women!

>> Ginger: The ingredients of the hot tuber act against germs and inflammation, among other things. For example, hot ginger tea is a popular home remedy during the cold season. It warms from the inside because the hot substances it contains stimulate blood circulation. And this can support the immune defense.

>> Honey: Like garlic, honey also has an antimicrobial effect. It works well for sore throats and is now a recognized standard in wound treatment in the form of medical honey.

Other bee products such as propolis (a cement made from tree resin), pollen or royal jelly (the fodder juice for queen bees) also have an antibacterial effect. However, pollen and propolis are also strong allergens and can cause allergic reactions.

Honey from the beekeeper is not medicinal honey and is therefore not suitable for treating wounds! This is because it can contain spores of bacteria that enter the body via the wound and can cause side effects including severe paralysis. Because of such spores, you shouldn't give honey to children under one year old (e.g. in tea).

>> Echinacea: The medicinal plant is one of the immunomodulators, so it can change immune reactions. For example, Echinacea extracts can reduce the severity of cold symptoms and the duration of a cold. They are also useful for preventing colds and other upper respiratory infections.

However, there has not yet been sufficient research into what dosage is necessary for this and how the plant must be processed. It is also unclear whether long-term use is sensible and safe. If you want to take Echinacea preventively in the winter time, you should definitely discuss this with your doctor first!

Protect the microbiome

Numerous different bacteria naturally settle in and on our body. Such a normal flora is called a microbiome. The largest is the microbiome of the intestine (also known as the intestinal microbiome or intestinal flora. Other important microbiomes are, for example, the skin and vaginal flora. All of them play an important role in the immune system.

Intestinal flora

It consists of billions of bacteria that, among other things, aid digestion and produce vitamins that our body can use. In addition, the intestinal flora is extremely important for our immune system: The "good" intestinal bacteria prevent pathogenic germs from settling and spreading in the intestinal mucosa. In addition, the intestinal flora trains the part of the immune system located in the intestine.

The whole thing only works if the intestinal flora is in balance. A one-sided diet, alcohol and medication such as antibiotics and cortisone are therefore unfavorable. Such factors can bring the composition of the intestinal flora out of balance (dysbiosis). And this could promote the development of allergies and chronic inflammatory diseases, researchers suspect.

The intestinal flora benefits from a varied diet - and thus also the immune system. Fruits and vegetables in particular contain a lot of fiber and important nutrients that are crucial for a healthy intestinal flora. If you also spend a lot of time outdoors and come into greater contact with plants, soil and animals, you promote the diversity of your microbiome and thus your immune system. Avoiding alcohol is also advisable.

Skin flora

Many beneficial bacteria also settle on the skin. They form a barrier against pathogenic germs. You can support this protective barrier with the right skin care. This includes cleaning the skin gently, either with water or with the mildest possible, pH-neutral cleaning agents.

Vaginal flora

The microorganisms that naturally settle in the vagina (especially lactic acid bacteria) create a vaginal environment that protects against infections because it is slightly acidic. Excessive intimate hygiene can unbalance the vaginal flora and thus promote bacterial vaginal infections, vaginal yeast infections or urinary tract infections.

Proper intimate hygiene includes, among other things, not cleaning the genital area with soap or shower gel and avoiding vaginal douches and intimate sprays. In addition, you should always wipe yourself from front to back after a bowel movement and not the other way around, otherwise you will "transport" bacteria from the intestine to the vaginal entrance.

If you often suffer from vaginal infections, you can, in consultation with your gynecologist, also introduce, for example, vaginal suppositories with certain lactic acid bacteria or vitamin C tampons. They help to create a balanced vaginal environment and can thus strengthen the local immune system. Let your gynecologist advise you on this!


People need to be close to other people. Touching, caressing, hugging and cuddling strengthen the immune system. Researchers have already shown that people who experience a lot of affection catch cold less often or develop less severe cold symptoms.

How can a weak immune system be strengthened?

How do I strengthen my immune system if it is already weakened? This question is particularly relevant for the elderly, pregnant women and people with certain diseases (such as cancer or HIV). Your weakened immune system is more prone to infection.

All of the above recommendations are also advisable in such cases. In the following you will find further tips on how to build up the immune system in certain situations.

Strengthen the immune system after taking antibiotics

Antibiotics are drugs that are effective against bacterial pathogens. However, they can also damage "good" bacteria in our intestinal flora. This can have long-term negative effects on the intestinal flora and the immune system. That is why doctors recommend taking a so-called probiotic (plural: probiotics) in addition to antibiotic therapy to strengthen the immune system. These are reproductive microorganisms that - when consumed in sufficient quantities - support a healthy intestinal flora and thus promote our health.

Probiotics are not only available as preparations from the pharmacy. You can also eat probiotic foods. These include lactic acid fermented products such as sauerkraut or sauerkraut juice, kefir, buttermilk, yoghurt and quark.

In connection with a healthy intestinal flora, one often speaks not only of probiotics, but also of prebiotics: Prebiotics are water-soluble fibers that promote the growth or activity of probiotics. You can of course take them separately as a ready-made preparation. It is easier to eat a prebiotic diet: The desired fiber can be found in milk, yoghurt, cereal flakes, whole grain bread, fruit, nuts, vegetables (e.g. chicory, asparagus), garlic and onions. On the other hand, you should avoid products made from white flour and sweets.

Enhancement of the immune system in the case of allergies and chronic inflammatory diseases

The immune system reacts excessively or inappropriately to allergies, autoimmune diseases and chronic inflammatory diseases. This is often due to genetic disorders, but an imbalanced microbiome most likely also plays an important role.

For example, if the intestinal microbiome (intestinal flora) is optimized, this could also balance the immune system - according to the current research approach. Accordingly, affected patients are often recommended to take probiotics, accompanied by a prebiotic diet (as described above). You should implement a corresponding change in diet together with your doctor!

Fasting can also have a positive effect on health and the immune system - for example therapeutic fasting, a form of fasting of which there are different variants. If done correctly, temporarily avoiding food can lower high blood pressure, cholesterol, uric acid and blood lipid levels, among other things. Therapeutic fasting is used, for example, for various metabolic and cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the digestive system, chronic pain syndromes and chronic inflammatory diseases.

The latter are often among the autoimmune diseases - diseases in which the immune system turns against the own body and thereby sets off chronic inflammatory processes. This happens, for example, with rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes, ulcerative colitis and lupus erythematosus. Fasting improves the immune functions of those affected, so that inflammatory activities decrease.

Anyone who suffers from severe cardiovascular diseases, depression or chronic illnesses should only fast under medical supervision. You must not fast at all during pregnancy and breastfeeding!

Strengthening the immune system in cancer

The drugs used for cancer chemotherapy suppress cell division. This means that tumor cells can no longer multiply - but neither can the cells of the immune system. Thus, the immune defense is weakened, which increases the susceptibility to infection. If you are one of those affected: For your own protection, strictly adhere to the hygiene regulations of your doctor and avoid contact with sick people and large crowds.

In addition, you can strengthen your weakened immune system according to the same principles as healthy people, for example with a balanced, varied diet. It should be high in fruits and vegetables, dairy products, eggs, lean meat, and fish. On the other hand, you should consume red meat, sugar and salt sparingly.

Due to the tumor itself or due to cancer treatment, you may be undersupplied with vitamins and micronutrients. Then it makes sense to replenish the body's vitamin and nutrient stores. A healthy diet is sometimes not enough for this. Then the doctor may prescribe suitable preparations from the pharmacy.

In addition to the right diet, sufficient exercise is also important for your health and your weakened immune system - even if you are exhausted from the cancer therapy. For example, walks in nature and moderate sport are recommended - the latter with guidance if possible so that you do not risk overloading. With regular relaxation exercises you can also strengthen your immune system and increase your well-being.

Various so-called immunotherapies are now available for cancer treatment. However, their aim is not to strengthen the immune system in general. Rather, the special drugs that are administered are intended to direct the body's defenses in a targeted manner towards the fight against tumor cells.

Strengthen the immune system when susceptible to infection

What strengthens the immune system if you catch colds unusually often or are generally susceptible to infections? If this is the case for you, you should heed the above tips for a healthy lifestyle (balanced diet, plenty of exercise in the fresh air, adequate sleep, regular relaxation, etc.).

However, this may not be enough to strengthen your immune system. In this case, have your doctor check you out. You may be deficient in nutrients that are important for the immune system (e.g. zinc, vitamin C, vitamin D). In consultation with the doctor, it could then make sense to supply the missing substances as tablets in order to strengthen your immune system quickly.

Train the immune system with vaccinations

Vaccines are available against some disease-causing viruses and bacteria (e.g. flu vaccination, measles vaccination, pneumococcal vaccination). They can be used to train the immune system: weakened pathogens (live vaccine) or killed or inactivated pathogens or only parts of them (dead vaccine) are administered to the body, usually as a syringe. The immune system recognizes the foreign substances and produces suitable antibodies against them. It also "remembers" the characteristic properties of a pathogen.

If there is later contact with the "real" pathogens, the body can immediately start producing the appropriate antibodies and thus fight the intruders quickly. This way you don't get sick in the first place or the disease is at least milder.

Vaccination is not just about protecting an individual. If as many people as possible can be vaccinated against a pathogen, it can spread less easily in the population. This collective vaccination protection (herd immunity) then also protects those people who cannot be vaccinated themselves (such as the chronically ill, pregnant women or newborns).

Vaccination for immunodeficiency

Many people are more susceptible to infection because they have a weak immune system - for example due to a congenital or acquired disease, an organ transplant or immuno-weakening therapy (e.g. chemotherapy for cancer). And when they become infected, they are often more sick than those with a healthy immune system.

As far as possible, people with immunodeficiency should therefore have extensive vaccination protection. However, not all vaccinations are possible if you have a weakened immune system. Some vaccinations should only be given to those affected at certain times (e.g. flu vaccination for cancer patients before starting chemotherapy).

If you have an immune deficiency, you should discuss with your doctor which vaccinations are possible and advisable for you.

Prevent infections with good hygiene

We can relieve our immune system by reducing the risk of infection with appropriate hygiene. A healthy sense of proportion is important here - both too little and excessive hygiene are not good for the immune system.

wash your hands

Very often we become infected with pathogens through our hands. For example, if you shake hands with a flu patient who has just sneezed into his hands and then grasp his mouth or nose, you are probably infected yourself. Pathogens from gastrointestinal infections, for example, also spread via contact infection (smear infection).

Washing your hands properly is therefore an effective way of protecting your own health. And if you are infected yourself, these hygiene measures can protect others from your own germs.

Always wash your hands in the following situations:

  • after coming home
  • after using the toilet
  • after changing diapers or after helping your child clean up after using the toilet
  • before and after preparing food and more often in between
  • after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing
  • after contact with waste, animals or animal feed
  • after using public transport
  • after attending an event with several people
  • before and after contact with sick people
  • before contact with infants and young children
  • before handling medicines or cosmetics
  • before and after treating wounds

Further hygiene measures

In addition to washing hands, the following hygiene measures prevent infectious diseases:

  • If possible, keep your distance from people with an acute infection. If you are infected yourself, you should keep your distance from healthy people so as not to pass the germs on.
  • Cough and sneeze into the crook of your arm or into a handkerchief. When doing this, turn away from others.
  • Cover wounds with plasters or bandages.
  • Clean your home regularly, especially the kitchen and bathroom. Ventilate regularly.
  • Wash dishes and laundry with sufficient heat.
  • Wash vegetables and fruits before eating or preparing them. Do not eat raw animal products. Store perishable food properly (e.g. in the refrigerator).

If you heed these hygiene tips and also strengthen your immune system in the above-mentioned way, you can avoid many diseases.

Tags:  symptoms alternative medicine drugs 

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