Week 30

Carola Felchner is a freelance writer in the medical department and a certified training and nutrition advisor. She worked for various specialist magazines and online portals before becoming a freelance journalist in 2015. Before starting her internship, she studied translation and interpreting in Kempten and Munich.

More about the experts All content is checked by medical journalists.

In the 30th week of pregnancy, the third ultrasound examination is probably on your mom's schedule. Maybe your child will pose for it! Read here how your baby's development progresses in the 30th week of pregnancy, which doctor's appointments you should schedule in addition to the gynecologist and everything that belongs in your pocket for the hospital.

30th week of pregnancy: This is how your baby is developing

The 30th week of pregnancy will be a hairy affair for your baby: little people will run out of lanugo hair - a delicate protective fluff. But the hair on the head sprouts. The fat layer becomes thicker and makes children's skin smoother and rosier in the 30th week of pregnancy. In addition, the child's skeleton is getting stronger and stronger.

30th week of pregnancy ultrasound: That can be seen

Your baby is now 38 centimeters long in the 30th week of pregnancy. The weight climbs to around 1,400 grams.

A baby of the 30th week of pregnancy usually takes the so-called fetal position - in adaptation to the limited space in the stomach. It draws in arms and knees and rests its chin on its chest.

Sometimes the ultrasound of the 30th week of pregnancy also shows that the child has already turned, i.e. is lying with its head down. If yours has not yet moved into the birthing position, that doesn’t matter. There is still time until the 36th week for this.

30th week of pregnancy: That will change for you

The second visit to the dentist is due around the 30th week of pregnancy. Most women also have their third ultrasound examination in the 30th week of pregnancy (this is generally recommended between the 29th and 32nd week of pregnancy). During this final check, the doctor checks that the child's internal organs are developing and functioning properly. The location and size of the placenta are also checked.

The tip of the uterus (fundus) has now reached the level of the diaphragm. Because the weight of the child and uterus press on them, you may be a little short of breath in the 30th week of pregnancy. Circulatory and digestive problems as well as back pain are typical complaints in this phase of pregnancy.

Otherwise it can be more difficult in the 30th week of pregnancy. Your stomach is now pretty much in the way of everything you do - and that will get worse, after all, you are now gaining 400 to 450 grams per week. The large ball also makes lying down problematic. The most comfortable position is on the side, on the left side - this relieves the organs and the vena cava. A small pillow under the stomach can bring additional comfort. As in the previous week, so-called Braxton-Hicks contractions can temporarily lead to a hard abdominal wall in the 30th week of pregnancy. Contractions such as those that occur during childbirth are not, but are "false contractions" or practice contractions that your body uses to prepare for the birth.

30th week of pregnancy: That is important now

The anticipation of the new family member increases every day! You can pack your hospital bag as early as the 30th week of gestation so that the baby does not take you by surprise if it does not wait until the calculated appointment.

You should always carry your maternity card and insurance card with you anyway. Your ID is also important. Mum's luggage for the clinic also includes comfortable clothing (long T-shirt or nightgown for the delivery room, something that can be unbuttoned to breastfeed after the birth), a nursing bra, possibly warm socks, a dressing gown and a wash bag with a toothbrush, comb, etc. If you want, you can also pack a comfortable shirt and slippers for your partner as well as snacks and glucose for a possible night shift - if there are a few waiting times in between.

Midwife tip

The closer the due date approaches, the greater the fear of the pain in childbirth may become. One method that is becoming more and more fashionable is what is known as hypnobirthing. Here, relaxation, visualization and meditation techniques are used in courses, instead of feeling fear and pain, joy and actively participating in the birth.

In my experience, this often does not work so well in practice, as women often get very stuck on this method and are not open to advice from clinic staff. I can only say: As a midwife, you usually always try to make the birth as natural as possible. If you feel more confident with hypnobirthing and a course before or around the 30th week of pregnancy, you are welcome to try it out. Ultimately, however, an expectant mother should and must listen to what her body signals to her and trust it.

Judith Däumer, midwife

Tags:  first aid stress dental care 

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