Week 40

Carola Felchner is a freelance writer in the medical department and a certified training and nutrition advisor. She worked for various specialist magazines and online portals before becoming a freelance journalist in 2015. Before starting her internship, she studied translation and interpreting in Kempten and Munich.

More about the experts All content is checked by medical journalists.

Tick, tock, the countdown is on. By the 40th week of pregnancy, you are probably tense and nervously waiting for your baby to finally be born. It is definitely big and strong enough for that. Find out here how you can “lure” the child a little, why you should avoid stress in the 40th week of pregnancy despite being excited, and why a slightly crooked baby's head is usually not a problem after the birth.

40th week of pregnancy: This is how your baby is developing

In the 40th week of pregnancy, the child is so big that it has to bend its arms and legs to the maximum in order to still fit into your stomach. The largest part of the baby's body is the head with a circumference of around 35 centimeters. So that it fits more easily through the birth canal, the individual skull bones of the unborn child have not yet grown together. This allows them to move easily during childbirth, which reduces the head circumference during childbirth. This is why some babies are born with “crooked” heads. As a rule, this deformation disappears on its own within the first few days of life.

40th week of pregnancy ultrasound: That can be seen

At the 40th week of pregnancy, your child weighs around 3,500 grams, is around 51 centimeters tall and is basically ready for a life outside of your stomach. The check-ups now take place every two to three days.

40th week of pregnancy: That will change for you

You have a stately ball in the 40th week of pregnancy! Your stomach is tense to bursting. The stretching may also make your skin itchy. It can help to use oils instead of soaps and gels when showering so as not to dry out the skin additionally.

In the 40th week of pregnancy you will most likely be on constant alert and watch out for signs of an approaching birth. These can be slightly orange drops of foremilk from the breast, bloody discharge or the sudden desire for a special favorite dish.

But even if nervousness and perhaps also frustration increase with each passing day in week 40: Try to relax. The more stressed you are, the less reserves you have for childbirth.

40th week of pregnancy: That is important now

Yes, the wait is getting on my nerves. If anything, you shouldn't start thinking about actively trying out methods that promote labor until you are in your 40th week of pregnancy. However, only do this after consulting your doctor and / or your midwife! They know which methods are suitable for you and when it is ensured that you and your child are fit and ready.

Gentle ways to induce labor in the 40th week of pregnancy are, for example, a stomach massage or a warm bath with oils. Sexual intercourse can also help, as it triggers the production of the labor-inducing hormone oxytocin. In general, gentle, even movements are advisable as they can help to get the child “into position”.

With the expert help of your midwife, you can also try nipple stimulation. Some women have also had good experiences with acupuncture, reflexology, or homeopathy. But do not experiment on your own!

Midwife tip

Every child has their time it takes to decide when to be born. Nothing is fixed. The possible birth period is correspondingly large. If the check-up shows that you and the child are doing well, you can give your offspring the full 40th week of pregnancy and even up to ten days more than the calculated appointment in the cozy mummy bump without having to worry.

Judith Däumer, midwife Tags:  drugs desire to have children book tip 

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