Headache in pregnancy

Nicole Wendler holds a PhD in biology in the field of oncology and immunology. As a medical editor, author and proofreader, she works for various publishers, for whom she presents complex and extensive medical issues in a simple, concise and logical manner.

More about the experts All content is checked by medical journalists.

There are many reasons for headaches during pregnancy and they cannot always be clearly identified. For example, hormonal changes, stress and lack of fluids can cause headaches during pregnancy. Here you can find out what other triggers there are, what you need to consider during treatment and why you should consult a doctor if you have unusually severe headaches during pregnancy.

Headache During Pregnancy: Possible Causes

Basically, all types of headaches - such as migraines, tension or cluster headaches - can occur in pregnant women. Triggers can be:

  • Hormonal changes
  • stress
  • Overexertion
  • Tension in the shoulder and neck area
  • Too little movement
  • too little oxygen
  • wrong diet
  • Avoid caffeine
  • Pregnancy diseases (pregnancy hypertension, preeclampsia, sinus vein thrombosis)

Migraines During Pregnancy

If you suffered from migraines regularly before pregnancy, the pregnancy-related hormonal changes can have a positive effect on the severity and frequency of the attacks. According to the German Migraine and Headache Society (DMKG), around 70 percent of women have migraines during pregnancy, by the end of the third month at the latest. Then the increased estrogen level unfolds its relaxing effect. However, most women have migraines again after giving birth due to the rapid drop in hormone levels.

Incidentally, pregnant women with migraines generally do not have a higher risk of complications during pregnancy.

Headache During Pregnancy: What To Do?

Special care should be taken when treating migraines or headaches during pregnancy. Under no circumstances should you just use your usual headache medication. Pregnancy and child development can be adversely affected by pain medication.Medical advice is therefore absolutely necessary beforehand. In general, headaches during pregnancy should first be tried to alleviate non-drug measures.

Non-drug measures for headaches and migraines

You can try any of the following methods to get rid of a headache during pregnancy. Not all of the measures have been scientifically examined in detail. Nevertheless, they can - individually differently - have a pain relieving effect:

  • Relaxation methods (muscle relaxation, autogenic training, biofeedback)
  • Acupuncture, acupressure
  • Massages
  • Essential Oils (Peppermint Oil)
  • warm foot bath
  • cold or warm washcloth on the forehead

Drugs for headaches and migraines

Pregnancy does not completely rule out drug treatment for headaches. Sometimes, for the protection of the child and the mother's welfare, it may be necessary to relieve headaches during pregnancy with pain relievers, for example if they are accompanied by severe vomiting. However, a consultation with the doctor is urgently necessary before using pain relievers such as paracetamol, ibuprofen or acetylsalicylic acid (ASA). Which medicines are suitable for you depends, among other things, on what stage of pregnancy you are in. Some medications, such as the vasoconstricting triptans (for migraines and cluster headaches), should not be taken by pregnant women, as they can harm the baby's physical development.

Even if you regularly take medication to prevent migraines, you must discuss the benefits and risks with your doctor during pregnancy. Some agents, such as magnesium, are considered harmless. For others, either the data are insufficient (topiramate) or there are great dangers for child development and the course of pregnancy (valproate).

Naturopathic remedies for migraines or headaches such as butterbur also pose a health risk for mother and child. They should therefore only be taken after consultation with experienced doctors.

Detailed medical advice about drug treatment is also necessary if you are plagued by headaches while breastfeeding. Just about all migraine drugs pass into breast milk.

Pregnant: prevent headaches

The following measures have a preventive effect so that headaches do not even arise during pregnancy:

  • a lot of drinking
  • balanced, healthy diet
  • a lot of exercise: sport, yoga
  • sufficient oxygen, fresh air
  • regular sleep-wake cycle
  • avoid stress
  • Relaxation methods
  • Massages

Beware of unusually severe headaches during pregnancy!

If you have unusually severe, persistent headaches during pregnancy (possibly with dizziness and nausea), you should consult a doctor immediately. The cause can be pregnancy-related illnesses, which must be clarified by a doctor and treated if necessary

Tags:  alternative medicine tcm dental care 

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