Weight loss

Christiane Fux studied journalism and psychology in Hamburg. The experienced medical editor has been writing magazine articles, news and factual texts on all conceivable health topics since 2001. In addition to her work for, Christiane Fux is also active in prose. Her first crime novel was published in 2012, and she also writes, designs and publishes her own crime plays.

More posts by Christiane Fux All content is checked by medical journalists.

In many cases, weight loss is desired: you consciously eat less or exercise more in order to achieve a negative calorie balance - the pounds melt away. Sometimes, however, the appetite and pounds also drop unintentionally. If this continues over a long period of time or if you lose weight even though you eat normally, an illness may be the reason. Read here about the reasons for weight loss and when you should see a doctor.

Brief overview

  • Causes of Weight Loss: e.g. B. Infections, gastrointestinal diseases, food intolerance, diabetes, tumors, medication, mental illness, alcohol or illegal drugs
  • When to the doctor If you lose weight for a long time for no apparent reason; if there are additional symptoms such as pain, indigestion, fever, fatigue, etc.
  • Treatment: The doctor will treat the underlying cause, such as: B. with medication, surgery or psychotherapy. Regular meal times, bitter foods, ginger and lots of exercise (preferably in the fresh air) can stimulate the appetite.

Weight loss: causes and possible diseases

A person always loses weight when he consumes more calories than he consumes. Weight loss is often wanted: in order to slim down, many people switch to low-calorie meals and exercise more.

In other cases, the weight loss is unwanted. Sometimes the reason for this is nothing to worry about - lovesickness, stress or an impending infection can quickly reduce appetite and lead to weight loss. Usually this is only about one to two kilos. In old age, too, a lack of appetite and the resulting weight loss are not uncommon - among other things because the calorie-consuming muscle mass is reduced in old age and the stomach empties more slowly.

Unwanted weight loss can be due to illnesses, medication or addictive substances:


In acute and chronic infections, the appetite is often reduced. In addition, there are often symptoms such as fatigue and poor performance. Sometimes these symptoms are the first signs that something is wrong with the body. Infectious diseases that are associated with particularly severe weight loss are, for example, HIV / AIDS and tuberculosis.

People who harbor parasites in their intestines, such as beef tapeworm or fish tapeworm, also lose weight.

Food allergies and intolerances

Allergies and intolerance to certain foods such as lactose intolerance can lead to weight loss - the consumption of "critical" food often causes severe complaints such as abdominal pain, flatulence and nausea. For fear of this, many sufferers only dare to eat a little - or they forego a meal entirely if nothing acceptable is available.

In the case of some intolerances, the body can only partially process the food it has consumed. This is the case, for example, with a gluten intolerance (celiac disease).

Other digestive tract disorders

Diseases such as gastrointestinal infections, ulcers, inflammation of the stomach lining (gastritis) and inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) can cause nausea and / or pain in the abdomen, which can significantly reduce the desire to eat. In some diseases, the body cannot absorb enough nutrients through the intestines (malabsorption). This is the case, for example, with diarrheal diseases and chronic inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's disease.

Diseases of other organs

They can also be associated with a loss of appetite. This applies, for example, to liver cirrhosis, kidney weakness (renal insufficiency), obstruction of the bile ducts or the adrenal disease Addison's disease.

Metabolic diseases

Metabolic diseases can also be the reason for weight loss, for example hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid). The metabolism runs at full speed due to an overproduction of certain hormones - the calorie consumption increases sharply, so that those affected inadvertently lose weight despite the constant eating behavior.

People with type 1 diabetes (type 1 diabetes) lose weight if their blood sugar is not adequately controlled. Due to a malfunction of the immune system, the pancreas produces too little or no insulin at all. The lack of this hormone means that body cells cannot absorb the high-energy blood sugar. In order to get the energy it needs, the body then has to fall back on the fat deposits.

In contrast to this, type 2 diabetics, in whom the body cells are becoming increasingly insensitive to insulin, are more likely to be overweight.


They are often associated with massive weight loss - sometimes even before chemotherapy leads to nausea or before the fear of death causes those affected to lose their appetite. Inexplicable weight loss is often the first symptom of a malignant tumor disease: as tumors grow, they deprive the body of nutrients, so that the patient loses weight. Doctors therefore sometimes speak of "consuming diseases".

Mental illness

Mental illness can also lead to weight loss. People with anxiety disorders or depression often have little appetite and therefore eat little. The diseases can also express themselves the other way round - through weight gain, as those affected eat a lot to compensate for the negative feelings.

In the case of eating disorders such as anorexia or eating-vomiting addiction (bulimia), things are different again. In the case of anorexia, the sick have to fight against hunger - at least initially. Since they eat extremely little and often exercise excessively, they keep losing weight.

Bulimics, on the other hand, repeatedly succumb to binge eating. In order to prevent them from gaining weight, they then vomit in a targeted manner - for example by sticking a finger down their throat. Sometimes bulimics also lose weight as a result.

Medication and drugs

Some medications can also spoil your appetite. These include, for example, the heart medication digitalis, certain asthma medications, medication for attention deficit disorder (ADD / ADHD), antidepressants and other psychotropic drugs.

Weight loss can also occur in people who use drugs. This includes alcohol, although it is high in calories. Because whoever drinks beer, wine & Co. excessively over a long period of time brings their organism into a nutritional deficiency, as alcoholics take in more and more "empty" calories from alcohol. This leads to malnutrition and weight loss.

Weight Loss: When Do You Need To See A Doctor?

If you have no appetite for a long time for no apparent reason and therefore weigh several pounds less, you should definitely consult a doctor. It is better to see a doctor sooner rather than later, especially if you are rather thin anyway.

A doctor's visit is also strongly advised if the weight loss is accompanied by other symptoms such as:

  • Pain (e.g. abdominal pain, headache)
  • Indigestion
  • excessive thirst
  • Fever and night sweats
  • Fatigue and listlessness
  • shortness of breath
  • (Blood) cough

Weight Loss: What Does the Doctor Do?

On the basis of a detailed discussion and various examinations, the doctor must first find out what is causing the unwanted weight loss. Then he can initiate appropriate therapy.

Diagnosis of weight loss

To clarify the causes, the doctor will first ask you about your medical history (anamnesis). He asks about your symptoms and any pre-existing and underlying illnesses. Information about your eating habits and your mental state are also important. Also, tell the doctor if you are taking any medications - these may be the cause of the weight loss.

The anamnesis interview is followed by a comprehensive physical examination and various laboratory tests. For example, the doctor can determine the thyroid hormones in the blood or test whether there is blood in the stool. Depending on the findings and the suspected cause of the weight loss, the doctor can also consult various apparatus-based examinations. Examples are:

  • Abdominal ultrasound
  • X-ray overview of the chest (chest X-ray)
  • EKG (electrocardiography)
  • Computed tomography (CT)
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Weight Loss Therapy

If the doctor has diagnosed a disease as the cause of the weight loss, he will treat it appropriately. Therapy options are, for example:

  • Medication: For example, type 1 diabetes is treated with insulin injections. In hyperthyroidism, anti-thyroid drugs can reduce the increased production of hormones. Acid blockers help with acid-related stomach problems. Nausea and vomiting (as a result of illness or treatment such as chemotherapy) can be relieved with antiemetics.
  • Psychotherapy: Some mental illnesses such as depression can be alleviated with medication. In addition, psychotherapy is usually also useful, such as talk therapy based on depth psychology or cognitive behavioral therapy. This is usually essential in the case of eating disorders and addictions.
  • Surgery: Some causes of weight loss require surgical intervention. For example, if the bile ducts are blocked by adhesions, tumors or gallstones, an operation usually has to be performed.

Weight Loss: You Can Do It Yourself

If your weight loss is due to a lack of appetite, you can trick your unwillingness to eat:

  • regular meal times: the body is an creature of habit. If he is calibrated for regular meals, he will report himself at some point with a rumbling stomach as soon as the usual meal time approaches. Therefore, always eat at the same times - even if it is only a few bites.
  • dish up: the eye eats too. If you prepare and serve your meals with love, they are also more likely to encourage consumption.
  • Herbs and spices: As you get older, your senses decrease - the sense of taste also suffers. Older people in particular then no longer enjoy the food. Food should then be seasoned particularly aromatic, not necessarily with a lot of salt, but with herbs and spices.
  • Ginger: Drink ginger water throughout the day - this promotes digestion and appetite. To do this, simply pour hot water over a few slices of ginger and let the brew steep.
  • Bitter substances: Everything that is bitter also allows gastric juices to flow and thus promotes digestion and appetite. For example, you can eat half a grapefruit in the morning and / or start lunch with a salad of rocket or chicory.
  • Together instead of alone: ​​Those who eat in good company not only sit longer at the table, but also eat more.
  • Exercise: Physical activity, especially in the fresh air, stimulates the appetite. Even a walk before eating can make you want to eat.
  • Stress reduction: Very often weight loss is stress related. Relaxation techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation, autogenic training, meditation or tai chi can help here.
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