Inhale with salt

Valeria Dahm is a freelance writer in the medical department. She studied medicine at the Technical University of Munich. It is particularly important to her to give the curious reader an insight into the exciting subject area of ​​medicine and at the same time to maintain the content.

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When inhaling with salt, a saline inhalation solution is inhaled deeply into the airways via steam or with the help of a nebulizer. This effective and inexpensive method helps with both acute and chronic respiratory diseases. Find out how inhaling salt helps, what to watch out for and whether you can also inhale a saline solution, for example!

What inhalation with salt does

Inhaling with salt (inhaling with salt water) can have several positive properties in the correct dosage, for example:

  • Moisturize the airways
  • Loosen mucus
  • Stimulate blood circulation
  • Disinfect

Inhaling salt is therefore a tried and tested home remedy to relieve cold symptoms, for example. This is ensured on the one hand by the water vapor and on the other by the sodium and chloride contained (components of table salt). The method also supports the self-cleaning function of the airways: when the mucous membranes are moist and intact, the pathogens get caught in the protective film. Fine cilia then transport them towards the throat.

Inhalation with salt: indications for use

Inhaling salt has proven its worth in both acute and long-term therapy of respiratory diseases. Especially in patients with chronic respiratory diseases, salt inhalation can also help prevent acute colds. The method is used for the following diseases:

  • Runny nose and cold
  • Inflammation of the sinuses (sinusitis)
  • acute bronchitis and chronic bronchitis
  • Inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia)
  • bronchial asthma
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

In the case of severely inflamed mucous membranes, inhalation with hot steam can cause additional irritation. If in doubt, ask your doctor!

Inhale with salt: this is how it works

The simplest method is to fill a large vessel (such as a bowl) with hot water to just below the rim and dissolve salt in it. Now bend over the vessel and spread a towel over your head so that the steam does not escape to the sides. With deep, slow breaths, the steam reaches the airways through the mouth and nose.

Inhaling over a saucepan mainly affects the upper respiratory tract (nose, sinuses, mouth and throat). In addition, the water vapor only contains extremely small amounts of salt, most of which remains in the pot.

An inhalation device can be used for a stronger effect. This nebulises the salt water into tiny droplets that get more easily and thus deeper into the airways than water vapor.

You can prepare a physiological (isotonic) saline solution yourself for inhalation by dissolving nine grams of salt in one liter of hot water (0.9% saline solution). Let the solution cool down if you want to use a nebulizer. Alternatively, you can get the ready-made solution from the pharmacy.

Inhale for about 10 to 20 minutes. Then wash the face with lukewarm water and then dry it off.

Inhaling with salt: which salt?

The best effect is achieved with salt that is as untreated as possible, which is why iodized table salt is not suitable for inhalation - but it is possible to inhale with table salt without additives such as iodine.

Sea salt inhalation has a similar therapeutic effect as the salty air at health resorts. There are also special inhalation salt to buy in pharmacies, which is processed germ-free.

Inhaling with salt: risks

If done correctly, inhaling salt water poses practically no risks. However, you should heed the following tips:

  • When you hold your face over the steaming water, you should - in order not to burn yourself - keep a "safe distance" of at least two hand's widths. In the case of severely inflamed and swollen mucous membranes, the hot steam may worsen the symptoms. Use inhalation especially at the beginning and with minor infections. If in doubt, ask your doctor.
  • Inhale as relaxed as possible, breathe in and out deeply. Do not breathe too fast (hyperventilation) because too much carbon dioxide is exhaled. This constricts the blood vessels and can thus trigger an insufficient supply of oxygen. In addition, a shift in the pH value in the body leads to overexcitability of the nervous system and muscles. This can be seen in cramps, for example.
  • If you experience pain, dizziness, or discomfort while inhaling with salt, you should stop inhaling immediately and consult a doctor.
  • After inhaling, you should not go outside or expose yourself to drafts.
  • Older people in particular should rest a little after inhaling for the sake of their circulation (e.g. lie down well covered for a while).

In addition to salt, some people also find the addition of essential oils beneficial. But this can be dangerous. Children, for example, can experience dangerous spasms in the branches of the respiratory tract. In addition, essential oils can trigger allergic reactions, which is why they are particularly critical in asthmatics (and known allergy sufferers).

If you are unsure how to properly inhale salt, ask your doctor to show you how to use it.

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