Three-month colic in babies - diagnosis

All content is checked by medical journalists.

If your baby cries more than two hours a day for a long time, you should see a pediatrician to rule out the possibility that the little one is sick or in pain.

The pediatrician will first ask you more about how you scream. How often and at what time of day do the attacks occur? How long do they last? Is there a reference to meals? What steps are you taking to calm your baby down? The doctor will also ask you about the child's eating habits, food and bowel movements.

Then the pediatrician will examine your child. For example, they can determine whether they are constipated or have a condition such as otitis media or urinary tract infections. In order to diagnose such diseases, further examinations such as blood and stool analyzes may be necessary. A pinched hernia can also cause a lot of screaming.

If there is no physical cause, it is probably a cry baby. That is, the child is likely to have difficulty calming himself down and / or to be very sensitive to environmental stimuli. In this case, all you have to do is be patient and wait - three-month colic usually resolves itself after three to six months.

Tags:  baby toddler eyes desire to have children 

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