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Ecstasy is a so-called designer drug, i.e. it is manufactured synthetically. It came up in Germany in the 1980s. After the boom as a “techno drug” in the 1990s, ecstatsy consumption has now established itself at a high level. According to the European Drugs Report, ecstasy is one of the most widely used illegal drugs after cannabis.

The chemical substance MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine), which later became known as ecstasy, emerged as a coincidental by-product in the search for an alternative production method for the hemostatic substance hydrastinine. The drug consists entirely of artificial raw materials. In addition to MDMA in different concentrations, it usually also contains psychoactive substances and extenders.

The ecstasy high

Many factors are involved in the effects of ecstasy. The composition of the pill and the dosage of the active ingredients naturally play a role, but so does the atmosphere of the environment or the mood and expectations of the consumer.

The drug causes the body to release more serotonin and dopamine. These are nerve messengers that are colloquially referred to as "happiness hormones". No wonder that consumers often describe the effects of ecstasy as a euphoric state with increased drive and a deeply felt feeling of happiness and relaxation. The consumers have an increased need for communication and contact and an increased body awareness. You feel awake, perceive visual and acoustic stimuli more intensely and particularly intensely.

Under certain circumstances, however, this feeling of elation can quickly change: Sus euphoria then becomes fear and depression. Palpitations, circulatory collapse, kidney and liver failure can also be among the undesirable effects of the designer drug.

In dose ranges between 80 and 150 milligrams, the effect occurs after 20 to 60 minutes, depending on the combination of active ingredients, and can last for four to twelve hours.

Ecstasy - the consequences

After the ecstasy high has subsided, users may feel drowsy. Depressive moods and restlessness on the day after ingestion are also possible. But it becomes really dangerous when the intoxicated are physically active for hours, dance the night away, sweat and forget to drink. Then the body can overheat - the circulation collapses. That can be life-threatening!

Long-term effects of ecstasy can include:

  • high blood pressure
  • Kidney failure
  • Psychoses
  • cramps
  • Sleep and personality disorders
  • increasing tendency of the blood to clot

Permanent harm after consuming ecstasy has long been controversial. Studies have shown, however, that chronic ecstasy consumption can lead to permanent changes in the brain. Above all, the number of nerve cells that are responsible for the serotonin metabolism decreases. In addition, word finding and memory disorders also seem to occur. The extent of the damage does not depend on the number of pills consumed: Doctors conclude that even small amounts of ecstasy can damage the brain.

The mental dependency potential is classified as moderate. However, with long-term use of ecstasy there is a risk of psychological dependence.

Tags:  digital health anatomy prevention 

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