Drinking properly at work: this is important!

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Janine Berdelmann studied social sciences and completed her traineeship in the editorial team. She is the author of numerous science news and advice topics on .

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It is important to drink enough at work - whether in the office or in the home office. For forgetfulness and concentration problems can also indicate a lack of fluids. But how much should you drink? And what? You can read that here.

Drinking a lot is healthy and important - that much is clear. But especially at work in the office or in the home office, a sufficient amount of drink is particularly important. Because the lack of fluids can be a reason for loss of performance and difficulty concentrating. Those who do not drink enough weaken the body and mind enormously.

Drinking at work: how much and what?

So that the body is always supplied with enough fluids, you should drink something regularly - and not just when you are already feeling thirsty. Because thirst is an alarm signal. It only arises when there is already a lack of fluids. In addition, the feeling of thirst decreases with age, even though the body needs a particularly large amount of fluids at this point.

Basically, regardless of whether you are in the office or at home, drink around two liters of fluids a day. The most suitable are water, fruit juice spritzers or unsweetened teas. It is best to place the drinks on your desk within sight - then don't forget to drink too.

Why is it important to drink enough?

The human body consists of 60 to 70 percent water. As much as 80 percent of the brain - just like blood, liver and muscles, it is one of the human organs with the greatest abundance of water.

These organs react particularly sensitively to a lack of water, as the vital fluid serves both as a heat regulator and as a transport and solvent. Even the loss of 1 to 1.5 liters of sweat can reduce physical performance by up to 20 percent.

Lack of fluids - the consequences

Other consequences of the lack of water can be:

  • thirst
  • malaise
  • Loss of appetite
  • nausea
  • dizziness
  • constipation
  • increased heart activity

Because the blood becomes thicker and thicker due to the lack of water, the heart now has to do more. The further the dehydration progresses, the more dangerous the consequences are. You experience dizziness, shortness of breath or tingling limbs.

Small sips distributed throughout the day

It is best if you take several small sips of liquid over the course of the day. If you drop more than half a liter at a time, you can quickly overload your stomach. It is also important that you do not take the drinks directly from the refrigerator, as cold drinks stay in the stomach longer and thus delay the replenishment of fluids.

Do you enjoy drinking coffee at work? Three to four cups are harmless and you can add the liquid to your daily balance. But remember that the caffeine it contains has a stimulating effect.

Drank enough? Test yourself!

Did you drink too little? Take the test: use the fingers of the other hand to form a small fold of skin on the back of your hand and let go of it. If it disappears slowly or even stops, you should have a quick drink.

Tags:  teeth vaccinations womenshealth 

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