Dellar warts

Martina Feichter studied biology with an elective subject pharmacy in Innsbruck and also immersed herself in the world of medicinal plants. From there it was not far to other medical topics that still captivate her to this day. She trained as a journalist at the Axel Springer Academy in Hamburg and has been working for since 2007 - first as an editor and since 2012 as a freelance writer.

More about the experts All content is checked by medical journalists.

Dell warts (Mollusca contagiosa, mollusks) are not real warts. But they look very similar to them - hence the name. In fact, pelvic warts are a common, harmless viral infection of the skin. Read everything you need to know about wart-like skin nodules: cause, symptoms and treatment.

ICD codes for this disease: ICD codes are internationally recognized codes for medical diagnoses. They can be found, for example, in doctor's letters or on certificates of incapacity for work. B07

How to recognize pelvic warts

Dell warts (Mollusca contagiosa, mollusks) are a harmless viral infection of the skin. The wart-like papules are usually the size of a pinhead. However, especially in people with HIV / AIDS, they can become unusually large (three to five centimeters in diameter). Doctors then speak of giant mollusks (Mollusca contagiosa gigantea).

The papules have a smooth, shiny surface and are skin-colored, white or transparent. In the middle they have a small dent with a tiny opening. A thick, white and infectious liquid can leak out of this.

Dell warts usually appear in groups on one or two areas of the skin. Sometimes they are also loosely distributed over the body. In children, warts are found mainly on the face, neck, eyelids, genital area and armpits. In adults, the genital region is usually affected.Most patients develop fewer than 20 skin nodules. In some cases, however, several hundred pelvic warts can develop.

Usually the mollusks do not cause any discomfort. However, some patients report itching.

Dellular warts: cause & contagion

Dell warts are not true warts, although they look similar to these. However, real warts are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). The trigger for dellar warts, on the other hand, is the molluscum contagiosum virus. It belongs to the group of smallpox viruses. The pathogen can penetrate the skin particularly easily if it is softened. Therefore, it is preferable to catch Dellwarts in the swimming pool. They are therefore also called pool warts, pool warts or water warts. You can also become infected with the mollusc pathogen in gyms and in the sauna (sweaty skin!).

Infection occurs mainly through smear infection, for example when you come into contact with the infectious secretion from the dellar warts of a sick person.

Dell Warts: Risk Factors

Dell warts are found particularly often in children because their immune system is even more vulnerable than that of adults. Mollusks are one of the most common infections in this age group. Children between the ages of 2 and 12 are particularly affected.

In addition, a mollusc infection is favored by various risk factors. These include cracked skin, wounds, circulatory disorders, fungal infections and neurodermatitis. People whose immune systems have been weakened by HIV / AIDS or for other reasons are also very susceptible to warts.

This is how dellar warts can be treated

In most cases, warts will go away on their own, within six to nine months. In some cases, however, they also last for years. Especially in AIDS patients, warts can become chronic or recur and cause extensive infestation.

In general, however, no wart treatment is necessary. If so (for example in the case of extensive infestation), various methods can be considered:

If you want to remove individual warts, the doctor can remove them under local anesthesia with a special instrument (sharp spoon, ring curette) or first scratch them and then squeeze them out. Care should be taken to disinfect it carefully because the material expressed from the mollusks is contagious.

You can also stick a plaster containing salicylate on the dellar warts. The horny layer of the papules is dissolved by the salicylic acid.

Parasitic warts in children are usually treated with a vitamin A acid solution. The drug is applied to the small papules several times a day. Before doing this, you should cover the healthy areas of skin around the molluscs with an ointment or powder to protect them from the acid.

Another option is to treat the irritation with an irritating liquid (such as a potassium hydroxide solution): the skin in the area of ​​the dellar warts becomes inflamed. This should accelerate the spontaneous healing (spontaneous remission).

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