"Spring fever can be turned on"

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In the spring the mood rises and the hormones go crazy. In the interview, the psychologist Benjamin Martens reveals what the spring feeling is about.

Benjamin Martens

The qualified psychologist Benjamin Martens is the managing director of the psychological online portal psycheplus.de. The portal has been a cooperation partner of since December 2012.

Mr. Martens, as the temperatures rise, the spring fever should also appear. Does it even exist?

Yes, they actually do exist. Spring fever is of course not a scientific term, but in spring our hormones change. That affects the mood.

Why is that?

Light plays a decisive role in this. The days are getting longer, and as the temperature rises, we are drawn more and more outdoors - so we get significantly more daylight. Light is the main clock for our sleep-wake rhythm. When it is dark, the human body produces the hormone melatonin, it makes us tired. When it is bright, melatonin production decreases - instead, more serotonin is produced.

Serotonin is considered a real happiness hormone.

Exactly, serotonin is a real pick-me-up: the messenger substance makes us feel more energetic and happier. When the serotonin level rises in spring, it signals to us: 'The dark season is over now'.

How can you awaken spring fever?

Spring fever can actually be turned on. For example, by spending a lot of time outdoors and so recharging your batteries. Even better, you go for a walk or play sports outside. Physical activity helps us to shake off the leaden weight of winter. You can also give your body a helping hand by eating light and fresh foods. Heavy food tends to make you sluggish.

The counterpart to the famous spring fever is spring fatigue. How can I chase them away?

You don't know exactly where the spring fatigue comes from, so chasing it away is difficult. One theory is that the immune system plays a role. In winter, the immune system is strongly challenged. They may need to recover first, so they won't let you take any action. This can manifest itself in making you feel weak and depressed. Here, too, air, light and movement help.

It smells like spring outside. What role do fragrances play in the spring fever?

Fragrances can have a very direct and strong influence on us emotionally. With certain smells, certain feelings and memories are suddenly present. This also applies to spring. It used to be assumed that the scent of flowers awakened the spring fever - but the scents of flowers are not yet on the way. We now know that the warm, damp, slightly musty scent of grass and moss signals to us that spring is coming.

The spring sun is also supposed to fuel the lust for love. Is that correct?

There is no direct effect of the sun on libido. Testosterone production increases in men in spring - but it is even higher in summer. But you can assume indirect effects: When it gets warmer, the thick winter clothes stay in the closet and you dress lighter again. And men are quite simple in this regard. When they see a short skirt, they are more likely to think of sex.

Thank you for talking to us, Mr. Martens.

The interview was conducted by Christiane Fux.

Tags:  stress smoking unfulfilled wish to have children 

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