Bronchitis - home remedies

Lisa Vogel studied departmental journalism with a focus on medicine and biosciences at Ansbach University and deepened her journalistic knowledge in the master's degree in multimedia information and communication. This was followed by a traineeship in the editorial team. Since September 2020 she has been writing as a freelance journalist for

More posts by Lisa Vogel All content is checked by medical journalists.

Many people use home remedies for bronchitis. Parents and grandparents, for example, made breast compresses with potatoes or inhaled them. In fact, such home remedies for bronchitis can alleviate the discomfort and aid healing. Here are a selection of the best bronchitis home remedies!

ICD codes for this disease: ICD codes are internationally recognized codes for medical diagnoses. They can be found, for example, in doctor's letters or on certificates of incapacity for work. J42J44J21J20J40J41

Bronchitis: home remedies for the discomfort

There are many home remedies for bronchitis that are used for different purposes. Some can loosen the mucus in the airways, others soothe the irritated mucous membrane or relieve accompanying symptoms such as fever or sore throats, headaches and body aches.

Sometimes bronchitis must be treated with medication. You can support this conventional medical therapy with various home remedies. Bronchitis patients can also ask their doctor or pharmacist for advice.

Inhalation for bronchitis

Many patients find inhalation very beneficial for bronchitis. Inhalation can loosen the mucus from the upper airways and reduce local inflammation.

To do this, heat water and put it in a bowl. Sit in front of the bowl and hold your head over it. Cover the head and bowl with a towel so that the water vapor cannot escape. Breathe in and out slowly and deeply for ten to 15 minutes. You can inhale once or twice a day.

Possible additives for inhalation are salt, chamomile flowers, thyme herb or a few drops of essential oil (e.g. eucalyptus or thyme oil).

Before inhaling essential oils (such as thyme or eucalyptus oil), seek advice from your doctor or pharmacist. Some essential oils are not recommended, or only to a limited extent, for children and pregnant women in particular.

You can read how to dose the additives correctly in the article Inhale.

Warm pads, compresses and chest wraps for bronchitis

In the case of bronchitis, warmth in the chest can relieve the symptoms. Warmth increases blood circulation and helps to liquefy and cough up the stuck mucus. The simplest method for bronchitis: Place a hot water bottle or a warm pillow (cherry stone pillow) on your chest or back.

The following compresses, wraps and pads are also suitable as home remedies for bronchitis:

Moist and warm chest wrap

A warm, damp breast wrap often has an expectorant effect. To do this, roll up a cotton cloth from both sides towards the middle and wrap it lengthways in a tea towel. Then place the roll with protruding ends in a bowl and pour 500 to 750 milliliters of boiling water over it. Let the wrap stand for 15 minutes (possibly add 1 to 2 teaspoons of thyme tea or the slices of half an organic lemon).

Carefully wring out the wrap (be careful, it's hot!) And then wrap the inner drape tightly around the patient's chest. Tie two more cloths over it. Let the chest wrap work for 20 to 30 minutes and rest - even after using this home remedy. You can use the warm, moist chest wrap twice a day.

Mustard flour compress

A mustard flour compress (once a day) can help with narrowed airways and relieve pain: Put ten to 30 grams of mustard flour about two millimeters thick on a piece of cellulose. Fold this in and wrap it in a cloth. Then put the compress in 250 milliliters of warm water (max. 38 degrees) and let it flow through. Then carefully squeeze out the compress (do not wring it out).

Place the compress on your chest as free of wrinkles as possible. There you can fix the home remedy with another cloth. As soon as you feel the skin burn, leave the compress on the skin for another one to three minutes. Then remove it quickly and rub the skin with olive oil. Then rest, covered, for 30 to 60 minutes.

You can read more about the effects of mustard in the medicinal plants article mustard.

Quark compress for bronchitis

In many cases, a quark pad at body temperature also helps as a home remedy for bronchitis: it can inhibit inflammation, lower fever, relieve pain and loosen the mucus from the bronchial tubes. To do this, spread 250 to 500 grams of quark (room temperature) on a gauze compress once or twice a day. Cover the compress with the excess gauze and a cotton cloth.

Warm the pad on or between two hot water bottles and then place the wrap on your chest. For a better hold, you can fix the support with a (hand) cloth. Leave the quark pad on the skin until the quark is cold.

Ginger wrap

A ginger wrap also loosens mucus, relaxes the chest muscles and relieves pain. Mix one to two teaspoons of freshly ground ginger powder in a little water. Let the mixture swell briefly and then pour it into 500 to 750 milliliters of hot water (75 degrees).

Roll up a cotton towel from both sides towards the middle and then roll it up lengthways in a tea towel. Place the wrap in the water so that the ends stick out. Let it flow well and wring it out (careful, hot!). Wrap the inner cloth tightly and wrinkle-free around the chest and fix it with one or two towels. Let the ginger wrap work for 15 to 30 minutes and then rest in bed.

You can find out more about the effect in the medicinal plant article ginger.

Beeswax compress

A fabric compress coated with beeswax stores heat for a very long time and releases it continuously. This can have an expectorant effect in bronchitis. To do this, put the compress in the desired size in a plastic bag and heat it up with a hair dryer or on a hot water bottle until the wax is pliable.

Place the compress on your chest without foil and cover it with a cloth. Let the compress work for 20 minutes to several hours. You can use this bronchitis home remedy once or twice a day. The compress is reusable.

Red light for bronchitis

You can also support the treatment of bronchitis with red light. The local heat treatment promotes blood circulation. The stuck mucus is loosened and the pain is relieved.

Caution! Infrared rays can damage the eyes - even when the eyelids are closed. Therefore, especially when using it in the face area, keep a sufficient safety distance (30 to 50 centimeters, see also instructions for use), put on suitable protective goggles and close your eyes in a relaxed manner.

However, such heat applications are only advisable if you find the heat pleasant. In the worst case scenario, they can actually make the symptoms worse.

Red light therapy is not advisable for fever, acute inflammation, blood clots (thrombosis), severe heart disease and severe diabetes mellitus. Always talk to your doctor before use!

Tea for bronchitis

If you have bronchitis, you should make sure to drink enough. This will help loosen the mucus in the bronchi and make it easier to cough up. The following medicinal plants are suitable as cough and bronchial teas:

  • Ribwort plantain and marshmallow soothe the irritated mucous membrane and relieve the urge to cough
  • Thyme, anise, primrose, linden blossom and mullein support the removal of the bronchial mucus and alleviate the urge to cough
  • Fennel and verbena have anti-inflammatory and germ-inhibiting effects and liquefy the stuck mucus from the bronchi
  • Licorice root has antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant and mucous membrane-protecting properties
  • Ginger has anti-inflammatory and anti-germ effects
  • Elderberry has a sweat-inducing effect and increases the production of mucus in the bronchi

You can find out how to prepare the tea correctly in the corresponding medicinal plant text.

Medicinal drinks

Various other beverages such as juices and syrups made from medicinal plants can also be used as home remedies for bronchitis.

Children in the first year of life are not allowed to consume honey. It can contain bacterial toxins that are dangerous for them.

Honey milk soothes the irritated mucous membrane of the throat and promotes a good night's sleep. In addition, honey milk has a mild expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. To do this, warm milk for a glass or a mug and dissolve a teaspoon of honey in it. Drink in small sips before bed.

Onion syrup has anti-inflammatory and germ-inhibiting effects and relieves coughs and runny nose. To do this, peel and dice a large onion, which you then fill in a clean mason jar. Add two tablespoons of sugar, close the jar tightly and shake it vigorously. After about two hours, the sweet onion syrup will form. Take one to two tablespoons several times a day.

You can read more information about the effects of the medicinal plant in the article onion.

Radish honey has a germ-inhibiting and expectorant effect. Cut the “lid” off a (spherical) radish and hollow it out with a spoon. Now add honey, put the lid on and let it stand for several hours (in the cool). Then pour the honey enriched with radish juice into a clean jam jar.

Older children and adults can take two to three teaspoons up to four times a day - directly or in tea. However, it must not be too hot, because otherwise too many valuable ingredients would be destroyed.

Radish juice has a germ-inhibiting and expectorant effect, stimulates the flow of bile and promotes digestion. For this home remedy for bronchitis, peel a black radish, chop it up or rub it and then squeeze it out (for example with a cloth). Chill the juice for a few hours. This makes it mild. Take half a tablespoon of fresh radish juice several times a day. You can also add sugar if necessary. The daily dose is around 50-150 ml of radish juice.

You can read more about radishes and their effects in the article Black radish.

Chicken soup: An old bronchitis home remedy is chicken soup. It should have a beneficial effect on the irritated mucous membranes and promote the mucus loosening. This is mainly due to the warmth and moisture that the warm chicken broth brings to the body.

Some ingredients in chicken soup may also inhibit certain white blood cells (neutrophils) that promote inflammation. This is indicated by various scientific experiments.

Essential oils for bronchitis

The essential oils of medicinal plants can be used as home remedies for the treatment of bronchitis. There are several uses.

Oil bath

Warm baths have a calming and relaxing effect. If you add the essential oils of thyme or eucalyptus to the bath water, the bath also has an expectorant effect.

You should use an emulsifier so that the oil is well distributed in the water. Cream, milk, honey or salt are suitable. Mix the emulsifier and the oil and add the additive to the running bath water.

The bath temperature should not be higher than the measured body temperature. After ten to 20 minutes, finish the bath, dry off, and rest in the preheated bed for at least half an hour. You can bathe once a day.

Rub in

A proven home remedy for bronchitis is breast rub. Use diluted lavender or thyme oil - this loosens stuck mucus and relieves the urge to cough. Warm a few drops of the oil in your hands and rub it gently into the chest for several minutes. Do not apply too much pressure while doing this. The person concerned should then rest well covered for about half an hour. You can rub in the breast two to three times a day.

Rubbing in the back also loosens stuck mucus. Avoid using the spine and rub the back to the right and left of it. Then rest well covered for about 30 minutes.

Alternatively, you can also use mountain pine, eucalyptus or camphor oils for the rub.

Bronchitis: home remedies for children and babies

The bronchitis home remedies listed are suitable for babies.

Inhalation: In the pharmacy you can purchase special inhalers for children. The application is usually safe here.

The use of essential oils for inhalation in children should always be discussed with a doctor or pharmacist. Some substances can cause life-threatening spasms in the respiratory muscles in children. In addition, because of the increased risk of burns, never let children inhale alone over a bowl.

Wraps and compresses: As with adults, warm compresses are suitable as home remedies for children with bronchitis. Suitable additives are, for example, thyme tea or lemon. However, you should always test the temperature on the back of your hand or your own chest before applying the wrap. There is a risk of burns!

If your child has a fever in addition to bronchitis, you can lower the body temperature with cold leg compresses. You can read how this works in the article Leg wrap.

Teas: Fennel tea is a great home remedy for babies with bronchitis. Children tolerate this medicinal herbal tea well. Make sure the tea is not too hot.

Bath: A warm bath with herbal additives such as chamomile flowers or thyme is usually also suitable for children. When you bathe your child, check the bath temperature beforehand. You should also not leave your sick child alone and stop the bath immediately if the child becomes uncomfortable.

Many essential oils are unsuitable for babies and children. Therefore, always talk to a doctor or pharmacist before use.

Bronchitis: what else can help?

Physical rest and avoidance of stress are important for a speedy recovery. Especially during sleep, the body can gain the strength it urgently needs to fight disease. Therefore, in addition to treatment, you should consider the following points in the case of bronchitis:

  • bed rest
  • Drink a lot
  • Ventilate regularly
  • Avoid tobacco smoke
  • Reduce stress

Does vitamin C also help?

It is often recommended that you take lots of vitamin C at the first signs of an acute respiratory illness such as a cold or bronchitis. This should help against the symptoms and make you healthy again faster. Rather, the vitamin has a preventive effect against infections. It can be found in many over-the-counter preparations for the prevention and treatment of colds.

Black currant juice: The berries contain a lot of vitamin C. Dilute the unsweetened juice with hot water and drink it in small sips. This can be beneficial for coughs and bronchitis. You can also have a glass for lunch and dinner during convalescence and to prevent a cold.

You can read more about the beneficial effects of currants in the medicinal plants article currants.

Hot lemon: The "hot lemon", a mixture of fresh lemon juice and hot water, is a tried and tested home remedy for colds and bronchitis. It should especially help with emerging infections and have a prophylactic effect.

Sauna for bronchitis?

Regular visits to the sauna are suitable to prevent colds. High humidity and temperatures stimulate the immune system and thereby strengthen the body's defenses.

However, you should not go to the sauna if you have acute bronchitis. The high temperature puts a heavy strain on the heart and circulation and can lead to a poor general condition. There is also the risk of infecting other sauna guests in the narrow cabin.

Tags:  teeth womenshealth alcohol 

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