Vein weakness

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Vein weakness is understood as a disturbed function of the veins, which is usually caused by an obstructed blood flow. As a rule, the veins on the legs are affected by weak veins. Doctors also refer to the disease as venous insufficiency. Read more about the causes and treatment of weak veins!

ICD codes for this disease: ICD codes are internationally recognized codes for medical diagnoses. They can be found, for example, in doctor's letters or on certificates of incapacity for work. I87O22

Vein weakness: description

Vein weakness (venous insufficiency) is common. Often swollen legs after standing for a long time or veins that protrude more clearly indicate that the veins are no longer working properly. The venous weakness develops slowly and, if left untreated, gradually progresses, which is why it can be divided into different degrees of severity.

blood circulation

Veins are all blood vessels in the body that collect blood from the periphery of the body and transport it back to the heart. After releasing oxygen and nutrients into the tissue, the blood first enters the so-called venules via hair-thin blood vessels (capillaries). These small vessels then combine to form the veins. The initially superficial, small-caliber veins lead the blood to deeper veins with a larger diameter. Finally, the body's two largest veins, the superior and inferior vena cava, bring the deoxygenated blood back to the heart. The heart pumps it into the pulmonary circulation, where it is re-oxygenated before it flows back to the heart again and then via the arteries to the tissues and organs.

Failure of the venous valves causes venous insufficiency

Since the veins, which are located below the heart, transport the blood upwards to the heart against gravity, they have a special structure. Inside there are so-called venous valves, which, like a valve, prevent the blood from flowing back. The venous weakness usually begins with a gradual failure of these venous valves. If these no longer close properly, the removal of the blood is impaired and it accumulates in the upstream vein sections. Over time, the vein wall gives way more and more due to the pressure exerted by the sagging blood, and the vein widens. Such widened veins finally appear on the surface of the skin as fine spider-web-like spider veins or - in the case of larger veins - as bluish tortuous, clearly protruding varicose veins.

If the venous weakness progresses, it can develop into a clinical picture that doctors call chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). This disease is usually associated with severe swelling and skin changes.

Vein weakness: symptoms

People with weak veins often complain of swollen, tired or painful legs, especially at the end of the day. The symptoms can increase, especially in the warm summer months, as the blood vessels expand even further as a result of the warmth. The symptoms of venous weakness can vary, depending on the severity. Possible indications of a weak vein are:

  • small, reddish to bluish spider web-like fine vein markings (spider veins), especially on the side or back of the thighs
  • clearly protruding veins, especially on the lower leg, calf or hollow of the knee
  • Varicose veins: They are usually found on the lower leg and calf and can be easily recognized by the bulging, thickened, tortuous bluish veins.
  • Water retention (edema) in the ankles or lower legs
  • Skin changes: brownish pigmentation in the ankle area, dry, flaky, itchy skin areas (eczema) or open skin areas. Such changes indicate chronic venous venous insufficiency.

Vein weakness: causes and risk factors

Often the cause of weak veins is a hereditary predisposition. A venous disease usually affects several members of a family. The risk of venous weakness also increases with age. Most of those affected notice the first signs at the earliest from the age of 30 or later.

Women are much more often confronted with vein problems such as weak veins, spider veins or varicose veins; The special structure of the connective tissue is probably one of the reasons. The female sex hormones, especially estrogen, also ensure loose connective tissue. Therefore, pregnancy, during which the estrogen concentration is particularly high, is also considered a risk factor for venous weakness. In addition, in pregnant women, the steadily growing belly presses on the veins in the pelvis and puts additional strain on the leg veins.

In addition, being overweight and previous blood clots in the veins (thrombosis) increase the risk of venous diseases. Activities that involve long periods of sitting or standing also promote vein problems such as weak veins.

Vein weakness: examinations and diagnosis

To diagnose weak veins, it is advisable to consult a specialist in vascular and venous diseases (phlebologist). In a detailed conversation, he first inquires about the medical history (anamnesis). Among other things, he asks whether several family members have had weak veins or other vein problems and whether there have been thromboses in the past.

During the subsequent physical examination, the doctor looks at the veins in the area of ​​the patient's legs. He pays particular attention to whether spider veins or varicose veins can be seen. Swellings on the legs or changes in the skin provide him with important information about weak veins; they can indicate chronic venous insufficiency.

The condition of veins can be assessed well with the help of an ultrasound examination. If the venous valves are defective, the doctor can easily recognize this. A special procedure, so-called Doppler sonography, makes the blood flow within the vein visible. The doctor can detect a disturbed blood flow or, if necessary, a blood clot.

Vein weakness: treatment

Which therapy is suitable for the venous weakness depends above all on its severity. An important step in treatment is helping blood flow in the veins. Compression stockings or bandages, for example, are helpful here.They compress the veins, which prevents the blood from backing up. They are available in different strengths from specialist retailers. In certain cases they can also be customized.

If there are pronounced symptoms of venous weakness, such as severe edema, dehydrating medication, which the doctor has to prescribe, can be helpful. Doctors treat skin eczema with moisturizing and sometimes anti-inflammatory creams and ointments.

Spider veins tend to bother those affected more for cosmetic reasons; From a medical point of view, they do not necessarily require therapy. The doctor can obliterate them by injecting a chemical substance into the affected vessel (sclerotherapy). The method is also suitable for small varicose veins of superficial veins. In the case of larger varicose veins, on the other hand, it may be necessary to remove the affected vein sections for health reasons. This happens, for example, as part of an operation (vein stripping) or when the doctor closes the affected vessel sections with radio waves or with a laser.

Vein weakness: prevention

Since the venous weakness is inherited in many cases, it can often not be prevented in principle. However, there are a few things you can do to keep vein problems from worsening:

  • Move as often as possible, do sports several times a week, for example cycling, swimming or walking. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator.
  • If you spend long periods of time sitting or standing, do foot exercises. Alternately move the tip of the foot towards the shin and the floor. Rock your heels onto your toes and back again several times, rotating your feet.
  • Try to avoid obesity by eating a healthy diet, i.e. eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and little sweetness and fat. Excess pounds favor and aggravate a weak vein.

Vein weakness: course and prognosis

The course of a venous weakness depends primarily on the degree of its severity. If a slight, incipient venous weakness is treated early, it can usually be stopped or at least slowed down. If varicose veins already exist as a result of the weak veins, the risk of further diseases, such as vein thrombosis, increases.

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