Sinupret extract

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Sinupret extract is a herbal medicine. This product variant contains an active ingredient concentration eight times higher than the original. It is used to treat acute and chronic sinus infections. Here you can read everything you need to know about the effects and use of this medication.

This active ingredient is in Sinupret extract

Sinupret extract contains an active ingredient complex of five medicinal plants. The active ingredients are high-dose and have an expectorant and antibacterial effect.

When is Sinupret extract used?

Sinupret extract should be used at the first symptoms of a respiratory infection. It relieves the symptoms and causes of common colds. Ailments such as runny nose, cough and pain in the sinus area can be alleviated with Sinupret extract. The drug has a liquefying effect on the mucus, which allows the sinus secretions in the upper jaw and forehead to flow away better.

What are the side effects of Sinupret extract?

Well-known Sinupret extract side effects are gastrointestinal complaints such as flatulence, diarrhea and stomach irritation. Dry mouth is also common. Occasionally, skin irritation and dizziness may also occur. If you experience hypersensitivity reactions such as rash, reddening of the skin or itching, you should discontinue Sinupret extract immediately. You should report any side effects that persist to your doctor.

You should keep this in mind when using Sinupret extract

Particular care should be taken if you have an inflammation of the stomach lining or a generally sensitive gastrointestinal tract. In this case you should discuss the use of Sinupret extract with a doctor beforehand.

You should also consult a doctor if you have complaints that persist for more than one to two weeks despite treatment with the drug. The same applies to the occurrence of nosebleeds, purulent nasal discharge, severe pain, visual disturbances, numbness and swelling in the midface. The drug should not be used for ulcers in the stomach or duodenum.

Diabetics should note that one Sinupret extract tablet corresponds to 0.026 bread units (BU). The drug is gluten- and lactose-free and therefore also suitable for patients with an intolerance to these substances.

Sinupret extract: dosage

This drug is a combination of active ingredients in a particularly high concentration. Please let your doctor advise you whether the contained Sinupret extract dose is suitable for you.

Sinupret extract: pregnancy and breastfeeding

In principle, pregnant or breastfeeding women should always discuss the use of medication with a doctor. The use of Sinupret extract is not advisable during pregnancy or breastfeeding, as it is not known whether some of the active ingredients can cross the placenta or pass into breast milk.

Who can use Sinupret extract?

The product is only approved for patients over 18 years of age. The effect in younger patients has not yet been adequately investigated. If you are taking other medications at the same time, their use must be discussed with your doctor. It has not been adequately investigated whether the high-dose active ingredients it contains can influence the effects of other medicinal products.

How to get Sinupret extract

Sinupret extract can be bought over the counter in pharmacies and does not have to be prescribed by a doctor. Nevertheless, please seek advice from your doctor or pharmacist before taking it.

Complete information on this drug

Here you can find the complete information about the drug as a download (PDF)

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