The Federal Foreign Office advises against traveling to South Tyrol

Lisa Vogel studied departmental journalism with a focus on medicine and biosciences at Ansbach University and deepened her journalistic knowledge in the master's degree in multimedia information and communication. This was followed by a traineeship in the editorial team. Since September 2020 she has been writing as a freelance journalist for

More posts by Lisa Vogel All content is checked by medical journalists.

Due to the further spread of the corona virus, the Federal Foreign Office is now advising against traveling to South Tyrol.

(lv / dpa) - Due to the spread of the new corona virus, German citizens should now refrain from unnecessary trips to South Tyrol. The Federal Foreign Office expanded relevant travel advice for Italy, as a spokesman confirmed on Friday in Berlin.

South Tyrol is considered a risk area

Unnecessary trips to the regions of South Tyrol, Emilia-Romagna and Lombardy as well as to the city of Vo in the province of Padua in the Veneto region are now advised against.

The Robert Koch Institute has now also classified South Tyrol as a risk area, said the spokesman. The RKI recommendations are regularly discussed in the external crisis team.

Evaluation is made every day

Areas in which continued human-to-human transmission can be suspected are considered risk areas, writes the RKI. To determine this, the institute uses various indicators such as

  • Morbidity
  • Dynamics of the number of cases reported daily
  • Measures (e.g. quarantine of entire cities or areas)
  • Exported cases to other countries / regions

The situation is reassessed every day. If necessary, the risk areas are adjusted.

Tags:  home remedies prevention nourishment 

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