Dental care

Lisa Vogel studied departmental journalism with a focus on medicine and biosciences at Ansbach University and deepened her journalistic knowledge in the master's degree in multimedia information and communication. This was followed by a traineeship in the editorial team. Since September 2020 she has been writing as a freelance journalist for

More posts by Lisa Vogel All content is checked by medical journalists.

The check-up at the dentist's is one of the regular preventive measures. It helps keep teeth healthy into old age. During dental care, the doctor thoroughly examines the teeth, gums and oral cavity for possible diseases. In the following article you will find out how dental care works, how often you should go to the dentist and why checks are important!

That happens at the dentist check-up

Many people fear going to the dentist. The preventive medical check-up is harmless. It is important in order to be able to take timely action against tooth decay, inflammation of the gums or even inflammation of the gums. Such problems can be identified and dealt with at an early stage through regular checks. This is usually less time-consuming, expensive and stressful than when the problems have already progressed. The statutory health insurance companies cover the costs for the check-up at the dentist.

During the dental check-up, the doctor examines the teeth, gums, oral cavity and jaw for pathological changes. The investigation includes:

  • Inspection of the oral cavity
  • X-ray diagnostics
  • Guide to effective oral hygiene

If necessary, the dentist will carry out the following treatments as part of the check-up:

  • Removal of hard plaque (tartar)
  • Treatment of tooth decay
  • Dental fillings

How often to the dentist?

Children should be used to regular visits to the dentist at an early age. From the age of six they should have their mouth and teeth examined twice a year.

Adults should go to dental care at least once a year - even if there are no acute symptoms. The statutory health insurance companies cover the cost of the check-up twice a year, even in adulthood.

Dentist bonus booklet

From the age of twelve, the check-up is noted in the bonus booklet - and that can save money later. Anyone who attends all dental check-ups and has the bonus book stamped will receive more subsidies from the health insurance company if a denture is due later.

Five years must be fully documented in the booklet, then the subsidy from the health insurers increases by 20 percent. If you can provide evidence of check-ups over a period of ten years in the bonus booklet, the grant increases to 30 percent.

Tags:  menopause first aid elderly care 

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