Foreign bodies in the eye: Crying helps, rubbing is poison

Christine Albert studied German linguistics and literature as well as Scandinavian studies at the Albert Ludwigs University in Freiburg. She is currently doing a traineeship at Hubert Burda Media and is writing, among other things, for

More about the experts All content is checked by medical journalists.

Keep your eyes open in traffic, that's what they always say. Anyone who is out on the road by bike, however, knows the unpleasant side effect: particles floating in the air can quickly land in the eye. This is how you get rid of the foreign bodies!

Dust and insects can ruin a bike tour thoroughly. If particles land in the eye, the conjunctiva in the area of ​​the eyelids is quickly irritated. The body then helps itself first: the eyes begin to water in order to wash away the foreign body. The professional association of ophthalmologists in Germany explains that conscious blinking helps.

Rinsing the eye helps

In addition, the upper eyelid can be lifted slightly from the eye by the eyelashes and pulled over the edge of the lower eyelid so that the eyelashes of the lower eyelid "brush out" the inside of the upper eyelid when the eye is opened, advises the association. Rinsing the eyes with clean water can also help.

To remove a particle, you can pull the lower eyelid down and carefully fish out the foreign body in the eye with a damp cotton swab or a clean handkerchief. But don't rub it! This also irritates the eyes. If the foreign body is sharp-edged, you can also injure the cornea.

If the foreign body sensation in the eye persists even after the particle has been removed, you should consult an ophthalmologist or a clinic. You can cover the eye with a sterile wound pad on the way there.

You can read more about this in the article Foreign bodies in the eye. (approx / dpa)

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