Sudden cardiac death: do not ignore warning signs

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Sudden cardiac death often doesn't come as suddenly as the name suggests: it often announces itself hours or days in advance. Nevertheless, very few react immediately and call the emergency doctor. But that could save your life, as a US study shows.

Chest pain is a serious harbinger of cardiac arrest or a heart attack - most people are familiar with this. Nevertheless, it seems that many people do not worry too much about this and other signs of impending cardiac arrest - according to a study carried out by Sumeet S. Chugh of the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles and his colleagues.

The scientists evaluated data from 1,099 patients between the ages of 35 and 65 who were admitted to a clinic with sudden cardiac arrest. By analyzing findings and questioning the survivors or family members and friends of the patients, the researchers reconstructed which symptoms occurred in those affected up to four weeks before the cardiac arrest.

Harbingers of every second

Half of them experienced at least one typical warning signal for sudden cardiac arrest beforehand. The most common were chest pains. Other important harbingers were shortness of breath, flu-like symptoms, fainting or palpable palpitations.

These symptoms usually appeared some time before the cardiac arrest. In 80 percent of the cases, there was more than an hour between the occurrence of the warning signal and heart failure. In every second patient it was at least 24 hours. In most cases, the symptoms then occurred several times before cardiac arrest occurred.

Ignored signs

Yet the majority of those affected ignored the symptoms. Only a fifth called the emergency doctor because of the warning signals. Those who had previously had heart problems and were therefore probably sensitized to the signs most often picked up the phone.

Sudden cardiac death is one of the most common causes of death in Germany - there are 100,000 to 200,000 deaths every year from the disease. However, it rarely affects completely healthy and young people without major complaints. But there are also triggers here that can promote sudden cardiac death, such as intense physical exertion or emotionally stressful events. Getting medical attention early can save lives. Those who recognized the signs and turned to the emergency doctor survived more often: In 31 percent of the cases, these patients could be resuscitated. Of those who hadn't taken the warning signs seriously, it was just six percent. Therefore, it is important to educate people about the warning signs of sudden cardiac arrest, according to the study authors. (away)

Source: Marijon E., Chugh S. S., et al. Warning Symptoms Are Associated With Survival From Sudden Cardiac Arrest. Ann Intern Med. 2016; 164: 23-29. doi: 10.7326 / M14-2342

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