Stroke: other harbingers in women

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A stroke is sometimes announced in an unusual way in women: For example, hiccups combined with mild chest pain can indicate an impending cerebral infarction. They are also more likely to have headaches associated with a stroke than men. This is pointed out by scientists from Ohio State University who asked 1,000 women about their level of information about stroke.

Take warning signs seriously

Women who are already at risk of stroke should take such symptoms seriously. This includes women with blood pressure values ​​of over 140/90 mmHg, smokers and those who do not exercise. Long-term blood sugar values ​​(HGA1C values) of more than 7 in diabetics or more than 5.7 in non-diabetics also indicate an increased risk. This also applies to LDL cholesterol levels below 100.

The scientists were worried that only eleven percent of the women surveyed were aware that there are special risk factors for them that affect men less - or not at all. For example, hormonal contraceptives encourage the formation of blood clots - and thus also strokes. "Pregnancy also increases the risk of stroke, especially in the last few months and in the period shortly after the birth," says Dr. Diana Greene-Chandos. In addition, a connection between migraines and strokes is more pronounced in women than in men.

Classic stroke signs

Even if there are specific signs for female sufferers, women should also keep an eye out for the general symptoms. Classic signs of a stroke are unilateral symptoms of paralysis, for example of the arms, legs or face (drooping corner of the mouth). In addition, visual disturbances and sudden speech and language disorders. Those affected suddenly speak indistinctly, no longer understand what is being said or can no longer find the right words - they speak incomprehensible gibberish. Further indications can be numbness and dizziness up to loss of consciousness. If a vessel bursts in the head, it is usually accompanied by a severe headache - otherwise a stroke is usually painless.

Act quickly

If such symptoms occur, it is important to alert an emergency doctor as quickly as possible. Because the longer a stroke is left untreated, the more serious the consequential damage - from permanent disability to death. "Women in particular often do not think about a stroke - they assume that a stroke will mainly affect men," says Greene-Chandos.

According to the German Stroke Foundation, almost 270,000 German citizens suffer a stroke every year. In Germany, after heart disease and cancer, it is the third most common cause of death and the most common cause of permanent disability in adulthood. 80 percent of strokes occur due to a vascular blockage in the brain, for example due to a blood clot (ischemic infarction). Cerebral haemorrhages are responsible for almost 20 percent of all strokes (hemorrhagic infarction). (cf)

Source: Press release “The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center”

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