Sex in Pregnancy

Nicole Wendler holds a PhD in biology in the field of oncology and immunology. As a medical editor, author and proofreader, she works for various publishers, for whom she presents complex and extensive medical issues in a simple, concise and logical manner.

More about the experts All content is checked by medical journalists.

No woman has to do without sex during pregnancy if the latter proceeds normally. However, the physical and mental changes in many pregnant women reduce their sexual desire. In some cases, couples also have to limit their sex life during pregnancy for medical reasons. Read everything you need to know about sex during pregnancy here!

Sex - the child is well protected

Fathers in particular are often concerned that they could harm the unborn child during sex during pregnancy. In the mother's womb, however, the child is well protected by the uterus, the amniotic fluid and the surrounding muscles so that vibrations do not harm it. Even if the abdomen becomes hard during orgasm and the uterus is pulsing, the child is fine. Incidentally, anatomically, it is not possible for the man's penis to penetrate to the baby.

Sex changes with the body

Pregnancy can be accompanied by symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, especially in the first few weeks. Fatigue, mood swings and sore breasts also usually limit a woman's sexual desire. Many pregnant women prefer closeness, cuddling, caressing or a relaxing massage.

Second third of pregnancy: sex becomes more pleasurable

In the second trimester of pregnancy, nausea and fatigue usually decrease, and for most women a pleasurable time with new erotic sensations begins. Hormones cause the genital area to be supplied with more blood. Fuller breasts, sensitive nipples, and more vaginal secretions make pregnant women easier to orgasm during these weeks.

Furthermore, it can enrich a couple's love life not to have to worry about contraception anymore.

In addition, the new curves and feminine shapes of their partner are attractive to many fathers-to-be. Love life is very fulfilling for many couples during this phase of pregnancy.

Last trimester of pregnancy: sex is often difficult

In most women, symptoms increase again towards the end of pregnancy. Back pain, heartburn, a big belly, and foremilk leaking out of the breast can slow down the desire for sex during pregnancy. However, if you feel comfortable in your body and there are no risks from a gynecological point of view, there is nothing against sex even in advanced pregnancy.

Often, however, the stomach is now in the way and the usual positions no longer work. Many women then find a position lying on their side or sitting comfortable.

Shortly before the due date, sex sometimes has a helpful side effect during pregnancy: The hormone-like substances contained in sperm, the so-called prostaglandins, can trigger labor. They also soften the cervix and make it easier to open. But don't worry: you can only do this when your body is ready for the birth.

Hygiene is important!

Poor hygiene can lead to infections. These, in turn, can trigger premature labor and lead to premature delivery. To prevent bacteria or fungi from colonizing, personal hygiene is the top priority during sex during pregnancy. Cold water is usually sufficient for intimate hygiene. However, you should not overdo it with cleanliness in order not to destroy the protective environment of the vagina.

By the way: Of course, the man must also pay attention to cleanliness and hygiene.

Bleeding after sex during pregnancy

Due to the better blood circulation in the genital area, it is not uncommon for light bleeding to occur after sex during pregnancy. These are not always a cause for concern. Mostly it is so-called contact bleeding, as it can also occur after a vaginal examination. The bleeding in the vaginal mucus comes from the cervix, which is well supplied with blood. They are harmless and do not pose a threat to mother or child. They usually subside quickly. However, you should always consult a doctor in the event of bleeding with an unknown cause, possibly associated with pain!

When should you avoid sex during pregnancy?

In some cases, your gynecologist will advise against having sex during pregnancy, for example if it is a high-risk pregnancy. Overall, it may be necessary to abstain from sex during pregnancy in the following situations:

  • previous miscarriages or premature births
  • premature labor
  • premature opening of the cervix (zerklage band)
  • Loss of amniotic fluid
  • Placenta previa (placental insufficiency)
  • Multiple pregnancy
  • Bleeding
  • Infections

New Forms of Sex in Pregnancy

Every woman feels differently. Some enjoy sex during pregnancy from the very beginning until just before birth. Others don't like it even after the first 12 weeks because the breast and vagina are more sensitive to pain. Some pregnant women also no longer feel comfortable and attractive due to the increasing curves or have the feeling that they are no longer attractive to their partner. It is also possible that the father-to-be is insecure and behaves in a more passive manner sexually.

That being said, as mentioned above, sex during pregnancy may not be advisable for medical reasons.

In such cases, you and your partner can try other forms of intimacy as well. Talk to both of you openly about your own wishes and possibly get advice from a couples therapist, midwife or gynecologist. Sex during pregnancy can have many sides - be creative and work with your partner to find some form of intimacy that both of you can enjoy!

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