blood donation

Valeria Dahm is a freelance writer in the medical department. She studied medicine at the Technical University of Munich. It is particularly important to her to give the curious reader an insight into the exciting subject area of ​​medicine and at the same time to maintain the content.

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When donating blood, the blood donor can voluntarily have blood drawn. It can later be used as a blood transfusion or processed into drugs. Read everything about blood donation, how it works and the risks it entails.

What happens before a blood donation?

When you register, your personal data is first recorded on the basis of your identity card or a blood donation card. You will receive a blood donation card after your first blood donation. Before you can donate blood, you will be examined by a doctor. A doctor measures blood pressure, pulse, body temperature and the hemoglobin level before the actual blood donation. Prerequisites include a value of at least 13.5 grams per deciliter for men and 12.5 grams per deciliter for women, so that your body can handle the blood draw without any problems.

In addition, a fully completed blood donation questionnaire is required, which provides information about previous illnesses, medication intake and vaccinations. This will ensure that you are healthy enough to donate blood. Your weight should be more than 50 kilograms. If this is your first time donating blood, your blood type will be determined.

How does a blood donation work?

In order to avoid confusion, you will first be asked again for your name and date of birth. The vein is punctured with a disposable needle - usually in the crook of the elbow - and the blood is filled into a tube for examinations and then into the actual collection bag for the blood donation. This takes an average of five to ten minutes. The puncture needle is then removed and a plaster is stuck on.

What do I have to consider after a blood donation?

Despite the relatively small amount of blood donated at 500 milliliters, the body has to adjust to the loss of blood. In addition, you can usually relax a little in a special relaxation area. During this time, press firmly on the puncture site so that no bruises form. After donating blood, you will often be given something to eat and drink to regenerate. Lots of fluids will help the body make up for the loss quickly.

Drinking alcohol or smoking after donating blood is not recommended. Finally, in the so-called donor self-exclusion, you determine whether your blood donation meets the exclusion criteria and should therefore not be used. As soon as you feel strengthened, you can go about your day-to-day activities as normal. There is nothing wrong with doing sports after donating blood.

Are there any requirements for donating blood?

Anyone whose health is harmless is allowed to donate blood. You should not donate blood immediately after operations and vaccinations or after taking antibiotics, but rather wait a few weeks.Tattoos or piercings should also be at least four months prior to a blood donation.

In addition, there are permanent exclusion criteria for a blood donation. HIV tests, hepatitis B and hepatitis C tests and evidence of other dangerous diseases must come back negative. Cancer or belonging to certain risk groups - such as people with frequently changing sexual partners or alcohol, drug and drug addicts - also rule out blood donation.

When can I donate blood?

All healthy women and men between the ages of 18 and 72 can donate blood. Blood donors over the age of 68 (up to a maximum of 71) require an additional examination by the family doctor.

How often can you donate blood?

According to the law, at least 56 days must elapse between two blood donations. Men are allowed to donate six times a year, women up to four times.

What are the risks of donating blood?

There is no significant risk of infection or injury when taking blood. Circulatory problems may occur, and in very rare cases shock. A bruise develops relatively often at the puncture site.

Do I get money for donating blood?

For blood donation, plasma donation or thrombocyte donation, an expense allowance can be granted according to § 10 of the German transfusion law, which should be based on the immediate effort and the type of donation. While non-profit organizations usually hand out small gifts or vouchers, private organizations pay money for a blood donation - usually 15 to 25 euros.

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