Aids for seniors - food and drink

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• Cutlery with a thick handle: It is particularly important to grip firmly when eating. Ordinary metal cutlery is often too delicate for the elderly. Cutlery with thicker handles, which are available in different thicknesses, is suitable.

• Anti-slip tray: Such trays are coated in such a way that the dishes cannot slip. Not even if the tray tilts slightly to one side because the strength in the arms decreases when you carry it. So you can safely transport your meals and coffee again.

• Jumbo egg timer: A clock with extra large lettering is ideal for brewing tea or boiling eggs. You always have an eye on when the tea or egg is ready. Alternatively, there are also egg timers that ring a bell to indicate when the time is up.

“Electronics" Move" Household
" Eat Drink" Clothing" Leisure
Tags:  desire to have children Diseases diet 

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