Aids for Seniors - Leisure

All content is checked by medical journalists.

»Pedal trainer: If you have to spend a long time in bed or sit most of the time, this training device will help you to stay fit. Similar to a bicycle, you can pedal hard, but also while lying down or sitting. With regular exercises you will strengthen your leg muscles and your circulation.

»Big playing cards: the size of the cards alone shouldn't get in the way of a bridge evening. Postcard-sized playing cards for seniors ensure that handing out and arranging does not degenerate into fiddling.

»Card shuffling machine: This device is a little bit of luxury, but as a passionate card player you should treat yourself to it. At the push of a button, the machine mixes up a complete deck of cards.

»Extra thick dice: With an edge length of three centimeters, game dice suitable for senior citizens are significantly larger than normal dice. That makes handling easier. The number is easy to read.

»Large print books: Many people find it difficult to read the delicate print letters in old age. But that doesn't mean you have to do without a good crime thriller. Ask your bookstore for books in large print. Most publishers print special editions for the elderly and the sighted. Novels, classics and puzzle books are part of the offer.

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