
Eva Rudolf-Müller is a freelance writer in the medical team. She studied human medicine and newspaper sciences and has repeatedly worked in both areas - as a doctor in the clinic, as a reviewer, and as a medical journalist for various specialist journals. She is currently working in online journalism, where a wide range of medicine is offered to everyone.

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The two testicles (testes or testicles) are the male gonads. They each hang freely movable on the spermatic cord in the scrotum (scrotum). In the male testicles, sperm and testosterone, the male sex hormone, are produced for life. Read everything you need to know about the testicles: anatomy, function and important diseases!

What are the testicles

The paired testicles (testicles) are part of the internal male sexual organs and the production sites of the seminal threads (sperm). They have an elongated shape and an average of three centimeters in diameter. They are flattened on the sides, about four inches long and 25 to 30 grams in weight. At the top of each testicle is the head of the epididymis, and at the back the body of the epididymis.

The testicle size varies from man to man and is also smallest during puberty. In adulthood, the testicle increases in size, reaches a maximum at around 40 years of age and then shrinks again a little after the age of 50. The size of the testicles is not related to body weight.

Testicles: structure

The inside of the testicles is divided into 250 to 300 small lobules by many bars of connective tissue and septum. These lobules (lobuli testis) house tightly twisted, fine tubes, the seminiferous tubules, which open into a network-like canal system (rete testis).

The seminiferous tubules are surrounded by loose connective tissue in which the so-called intermediate cells (Leydig cells) are located.

What is the function of the testicles?

The seminiferous tubules in the testes are lined with the seminal epithelium, in whose cells the sperm cells are formed in several steps from precursors. These then reach the epididymis via the rete testis and other channels, where they are stored.

The testes also produce the male sex hormone testosterone in the Leydig cells. Testosterone is responsible for the development of the secondary sexual characteristics in men such as the low pitch of the voice, the growth of beard, the hair on the head, armpits and pubic area. Muscle distribution and bone structure are also influenced by testosterone.

Where are the testicles located?

The testicles are located in the scrotum (scrotum) - a skin pocket between the legs, the penis and the perineal region. This means that the testicles are removed from the body cavity, which is important for the temperature-sensitive sperm: the temperature in the scrotum is around two to two and a half degrees below that in the abdomen (ideally, it is a constant 34 to 35 degrees Celsius).

What problems can the testicles cause?

In the course of the embryonic development, the testes arise in the abdominal cavity of the unborn child and then migrate via the inguinal canal into the scrotum before birth. If the testicles do not descend, undescended testicles occur (Maldescensus testis, abdominal testicles, inguinal testicles).

Inflammation of the testicle (orchitis) is usually caused by viruses and bacteria. As a rule, the epididymis is also inflamed (epididymitis). The combined clinical picture is called epididymo orchitis.

A varicose vein on the testicle is called a varicocele or hernia. If left untreated, it can lead to infertility. The hydrocele (water breakage) is also one of the testicular diseases. This causes fluid to accumulate in the scrotum.

One speaks of testicular torsion when the testicle in the scrotum on the spermatic cord twists around its longitudinal axis. This is extremely painful and must be treated immediately (within six hours) to prevent the testicular tissue from dying off from a lack of blood supply.

Testicular cancer (testicular cancer) occurs mainly in men under 40 years of age. It can be treated well.

Tags:  nourishment Baby Child eyes 

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