Common cold during pregnancy

and Lisa Vogel, medical editor

Sophie Matzik is a freelance writer for the medical team.

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Lisa Vogel studied departmental journalism with a focus on medicine and biosciences at Ansbach University and deepened her journalistic knowledge in the master's degree in multimedia information and communication. This was followed by a traineeship in the editorial team. Since September 2020 she has been writing as a freelance journalist for

More posts by Lisa Vogel All content is checked by medical journalists.

A cold during pregnancy is not uncommon. Basically, the viral infection of the upper respiratory tract is not a problem at first - and in most cases it is over within a week. However, there are a few things to keep in mind if you have a cold while pregnant. Read more about this and what you can do about the symptoms here!

ICD codes for this disease: ICD codes are internationally recognized codes for medical diagnoses. They can be found, for example, in doctor's letters or on certificates of incapacity for work. J00J06J11

Colds during pregnancy: Usually no danger for the baby

Pregnant and have a cold? This is a concern for many expectant mothers. Basically, however, having a cold during pregnancy is not dramatic. In fact, pregnant women are more likely to have a cold than those who are not. The maternal organism is heavily stressed because it also has to look after the child - the immune system is therefore more susceptible to cold viruses and other germs.

Nest protection of the unborn

Many women fear that a cold can harm the baby during pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, that is very unlikely. When a cold occurs, the viruses mainly affect the mucous membrane of the nose and throat as well as the upper respiratory tract of women. Before they penetrate deeper into the body, the immune system has usually already built enough antibodies. In addition, the placental barrier holds back some pathogens.

Beware of secondary infection!

The mucous membranes normally form a natural barrier against penetrating substances from the outside. However, this barrier is weakened during a cold. This makes it easier for other pathogens (such as bacteria) to penetrate the body as well. When this happens, doctors speak of a secondary or superinfection.

A bacterial infection can be more dangerous than a viral cold - both for you and your unborn baby. This is why you should try to avoid a cold as much as possible during pregnancy - with the risk of a secondary bacterial infection. You can find tips on how to do this in the last section of text below.

Medication for a cold in pregnancy

Colds are often combated with drugs such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. These have a pain-relieving effect, for example in the case of sore throats, headaches or pain in the limbs. They also reduce any fever that may occur.

But even “light” medication for a cold should not be taken without hesitation. For example, ibuprofen can have a negative effect on the cardiovascular system of the unborn child. Therefore, if possible, pregnant women should cure a cold without medication - because the symptoms are usually not that severe, this is generally possible without any problems.

In the case of certain illnesses such as a strong bacterial infection or a chronic illness, the use of certain medications is often unavoidable, even during pregnancy. However, this should always be done in consultation with a doctor.

Colds during pregnancy: home remedies

You can usually successfully relieve a cold during pregnancy with various home remedies. Home remedies are usually gentler than medication. When used correctly, you do not have to worry that it will negatively affect your baby.

Herbal teas for pregnant women

Herbal teas are effective against various cold symptoms. You can loosen stuck mucus, soothe it and sometimes also fight viruses and bacteria. For example, the following medicinal plants are also suitable for pregnant women:

  • Linden blossom
  • elder
  • Lemon balm
  • chamomile
  • anise
  • fennel
  • Caraway seed
  • peppermint

However, pregnant women are not allowed to drink too much of some medicinal herbal teas, such as anise and fennel tea. This is especially true if it is not a simple herbal tea from the supermarket, but medicinal teas from the pharmacy (guaranteed active ingredient content). Some medicinal plants are even completely discouraged during pregnancy (such as liquorice).

Basically: ask your doctor, pharmacist or midwife for advice on the selection and dosage of medicinal herbal tea.

Sore throat home remedies for pregnant women

Neck wraps are beneficial for a sore throat and can also be used during pregnancy without hesitation. Some patients find cold neck wraps, others warm neck wraps particularly pleasant and pain-relieving.

You can read more about the preparation and effects in the article Neck wraps for sore throats.

Healing earth pad: A pad with healing clay during pregnancy can also relieve sore throats and slow down inflammation. Mix the desired amount of healing earth with a little cold water to form a spreadable paste and apply this about 0.5 to 2 cm thick directly to the neck. Cover the healing clay with a cloth. Let the whole thing work until the healing clay is dry. Then remove it, cleanse, dry and oil the skin.

Gargle: If you have a sore throat, you can gargle with chamomile, sage or ribwort tea, for example. You can also make a gargle solution yourself with salt, lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.

You can find out more about this in the article Gargling.

Milk with honey can also be used for sore throats during pregnancy. Honey milk can soothe an irritated mucous membrane of the throat and promote restful sleep. In addition, honey milk has a mild expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. Warm up a cup of milk and pour a teaspoon of honey into it.

Honey is dangerous for children under one year of age as the bacterial toxins it may contain can cause infant botulism. However, there is nothing to worry about during pregnancy. Your intestinal flora protects both you and your child.

Home remedies for a cold

If you have a cold during pregnancy, you can treat the nasal congestion with saline nasal drops. To do this, dissolve exactly nine grams of table salt in one liter of boiled water. Fill this saline solution into a pipette bottle or a vial with a spray attachment (rinse with hot water beforehand!). Put three to five drops or two sprays into each nostril several times a day. You should change the saline solution every two days.

Inhaling during pregnancy: Boil some water in a saucepan, add table salt and inhale the mixture. This causes the nasal mucous membranes to swell, and the mucus is loosened. Alternatively, you can also take steam baths with thyme or chamomile flowers.

You can read more about this in the article Inhale.

Various compresses, wraps and pads can also help you with a cold during pregnancy. Are suitable:

  • Lemon compress
  • Horseradish topping
  • Flaxseed compress
  • moist and warm chest wrap

You can find out how to make and use the wraps correctly in the article Wraps (envelopes) and pads.

Home remedies for muscle and limb pain

Home remedies can also help if you have aching muscles or limbs with a cold. Heat applications, for example, are suitable for pregnant women. Place a hot water bottle, a warm grain pillow (cherry stone pillow) or a potato wrap (potato topping) on ​​the painful limbs.

Warm compresses with flaxseed or beeswax also relieve cold joint pain.

A cold bath during pregnancy also relieves muscle and limb pain. You can get a suitable bath additive in the pharmacy or in the drugstore. A foot bath that slowly warms up also helps relieve the pain.

What you should pay attention to before you get into the bathtub can be found in the article Bathing during pregnancy.

Home remedies for headaches

If possible, you should not take any painkillers during pregnancy (unless prescribed by your doctor). Instead, use home remedies that gently relieve the headache.

First, try cold forehead and face pours. To do this, with your upper body bent forward (ideally in the bathtub or shower), let water around 18 degrees flow first over your right temple, forehead, left temple and then back again. Then move the right and left half of the face up and down three times with the water jet. Finally, circle the face three times. Strip off the water or blot lightly. After that, you should rest.

A damp washcloth or a chilled grain pillow as a forehead compress can also relieve a throbbing headache.

A horseradish topping has an expectorant effect and relieves pain. Put a tablespoon of freshly grated horseradish on a gauze compress. Wrap the compress in and tape it shut. Then place this packet on your forehead for a few seconds to a maximum of four minutes. Then rub the reddened skin area with vegetable oil (e.g. olive oil) and rest.

If you have a cold headache, you can also benefit from the effects of essential oils. You can rub a little lavender oil gently on your feet and forehead, for example.

As a precaution, the use of essential oils during pregnancy should first be discussed with an aromatherapist, doctor, pharmacist or midwife.

Cough home remedies for pregnant women

If you suffer from a cough during pregnancy, you can use a variety of compresses to relieve the discomfort. This includes:

  • Ginger wrap
  • Body-warm quark pad
  • Moist and warm chest wrap
  • Beeswax compress

You can find out how to prepare and use the wraps in the article Wraps (envelopes) and pads.

Can't take cough syrup? Then make a natural cough syrup yourself! For an onion syrup, put a chopped large onion in a clean mason jar. Add two tablespoons of sugar, seal the jar tightly and shake it. Then let it stand. After about two hours, the sweet onion syrup will form. Take one to two tablespoons of it several times a day. Radish juice or radish honey has a similar effect.

You can find out more about this in the medicinal plant article black radish.

Lower fever during pregnancy

If you have a cold with a fever during pregnancy, you should be careful. If the temperature rises above 39 degrees for several days, there is a risk of premature labor - premature birth could occur! There is also danger if abdominal pain occurs together with the fever. This can lead to premature rupture of the bladder!

Therefore, if you have a febrile cold during pregnancy, you should consult a doctor if the high body temperature does not drop again on its own after a short period of time.

In principle, the following home remedies can help against the increased temperature if you have a fever during pregnancy:

  • Pulse wrap
  • Calf wrap
  • Chest wrap
  • Quark pad

You can find out how to prepare and use the wraps in the article Wraps (envelopes) and pads.

A cooling bath is suitable for high fever to lower the temperature. However, discuss with your doctor or midwife whether you are allowed to take such a bath and what you should pay attention to.

Abdominal pain: home remedies for pregnant women

If you experience gastrointestinal complaints such as abdominal pain while you have a cold, heat is a suitable home remedy. Place a hot water bottle or a grain pillow on top of it or, if you are lying on your side, next to your stomach. That will ease the pain. A potato wrap can also help. It stores the heat for a particularly long time.

Hot water bottle, grain pillow and potato topping should not be warmer than 38 degrees Celsius during pregnancy. It is best to place a cloth between the heat source and the skin.

A gentle stomach massage can also be beneficial. For example, warm some almond oil in the palms of your hands and then begin the massage, in the right lower abdomen: gently rub the oil over your stomach in a clockwise direction for a few minutes. Be careful not to apply too much pressure. Then rest well covered for about 30 minutes. You can repeat this gentle abdominal massage during pregnancy several times a day as required.


If you suffer from ear pain during pregnancy, you can try an onion wrap (onion sachet).

Other warming home remedies can also help against earache. For example, place a hot water bottle or a warm grain pillow (cherry stone pillow) on the sore ear. A potato wrap can also do you good.

Bed rest and drink a lot

Drink a lot: The most important thing to drink during a cold during pregnancy is that you drink a lot. As a result, the mucus becomes less viscous and can be more easily released from the throat and coughed up. This is important because stubborn secretion provides a good breeding ground for secondary infection with bacteria.

Good drinks are, for example, black currant juice diluted with warm water and unsweetened herbal teas. You can also consume hot lemon during pregnancy.

Bed rest: When you feel sick, you should give your body rest. Keep bed rest and rest.

Ventilate regularly: If you have a cold, ventilate your living space two to three times a day, depending on the season. The fresh oxygen stimulates the circulation. Ventilation also lowers the viral load in the room air.

Cold and breastfeeding

You can continue to breastfeed your baby if you have a mild cold. The flu and cold are usually not passed on to the child through breast milk. Breastfeeding even has a preventive effect: the mother's little ones get antibodies through breast milk. These offer natural protection against many diseases, but cannot ward off every infection. In addition: Due to the physical closeness when breastfeeding, the offspring can become infected despite everything.

Therefore, you should adhere to basic hygiene measures. Wash your hands before and after breastfeeding and thoroughly clean any necessary utensils such as breast pumps or nipple shields. Cough and sneeze into a tissue or the crook of your arm. This prevents pathogens that cause disease from spreading.

Cold medication while breastfeeding

In general, the same recommendation applies to medication during breastfeeding as during pregnancy: You should only take them when absolutely necessary and recommended by your doctor. So first try to combat the symptoms with home remedies.

If home remedies are not enough for your symptoms, see a doctor. He can recommend medication that is also allowed during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The doctor will also advise you on the right time to take it.

If you have a cold and fear that you will have to take medication, you can freeze a few servings of breast milk beforehand. You can then use these to feed your baby with confidence while you are taking medication.

Preventing a cold during pregnancy

The following tips can help reduce the risk of catching a cold during pregnancy (and in general):

  • Distance: Keep as far away as possible from people with colds or flu. Pathogens are usually transmitted through the air via small droplets of saliva, which an infected person releases when speaking, coughing or sneezing (droplet infection). You should avoid large crowds in particular during the cold season.
  • Hygiene: Some pathogens can also be transmitted via contaminated hands and surfaces (e.g. door handles) (smear infection). Therefore: wash your hands regularly! In addition, you should not share cutlery, glasses and plates with someone who is sick. In addition, sick people should not leave used handkerchiefs lying around in the apartment.
  • Balanced diet: Make sure you eat a varied and balanced diet. Vitamin and mineral supplements are no substitute for this!
  • No Stress: Try to reduce stress as much as possible. Relaxation exercises or yoga for pregnant women can help here, for example.
  • Restful sleep: Get enough sleep and also take regular relaxation breaks during the day.
  • Exercise: Regular exercise supports a healthy immune system. You can also do sports during pregnancy. But high-performance sport is not advisable. Instead, choose endurance sports like swimming or cycling. Gymnastics or yoga are also good.

If you have a cold during pregnancy, you should refrain from exercising. The increased activity would put additional strain on your body. Instead, take it easy.A short walk is also allowed if you have a cold during pregnancy.

Tags:  sports fitness laboratory values sleep 

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