Sickle foot

Dr. med. Julia Schwarz is a freelance writer in the medical department.

More about the experts All content is checked by medical journalists.

The sickle foot is the most common foot deformity in babies and toddlers and often affects both feet. The inside of the front and middle section of the foot (starting from the big toe) is bent inwards like a sickle. The cause is usually the wrong predicament of the child in the uterus. The malformation of the foot can be treated well through intensive physiotherapy. Read more about the sickle foot here.

ICD codes for this disease: ICD codes are internationally recognized codes for medical diagnoses. They can be found, for example, in doctor's letters or on certificates of incapacity for work. M21Q66

Sickle foot - a congenital deformity

Some newborns have a sickle foot. Baby and toddler feet are still very flexible, which is why they can assume a misalignment if the incorrect position in the uterus persists. Experts also suspect that constant prone lying can cause sickle feet in newborns.

Crescent foot - this is how you recognize it

The sickle foot is easy to see with the naked eye, so there is no need for an X-ray examination. Such examinations should generally be avoided as far as possible in small children, because X-rays represent a particularly high exposure at this age. The foot deformity is usually diagnosed by the pediatrician during the early detection examination (U3) in the fourth to fifth week of life.

Crescent foot - this is how it is treated

Less pronounced sickle foot positions can be compensated for by light stretching exercises on the inside of the foot. The parents should stretch the feet of their newborns several times a day according to the pediatrician's instructions.

If this is not enough to correct the sickle foot, a plaster cast is put on the child to force the foot into the correct position. The padded plaster of paris is regularly put on again and thus slowly splinters the foot in the right direction. It is important that this is done slowly and gradually. Otherwise it can lead to pain and uncomfortable stress symptoms. Initially, the cast must be changed at least twice a week.

In rare cases, surgery is necessary to correct the deformity. The joints on the inside of the foot are opened and certain extensor muscles of the feet are lengthened. Bony structures are only corrected surgically if only the big toe is affected by the deformity.After the operation, a plaster cast is put on for several weeks to relieve the foot. This should be followed by intensive physiotherapy in order to finally heal the sickle foot. Orthopedic shoe insoles then help those affected to maintain the success of the therapy.

Sickle foot - chances of recovery

If the sickle foot is treated early, good results can be expected. However, a third of those affected continue to suffer from impairment. Until it is completely normal, the sickle foot should be examined by a doctor at regular intervals so that compensatory measures can be initiated if necessary.

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