Otitis media: home remedies

Lisa Vogel studied departmental journalism with a focus on medicine and biosciences at Ansbach University and deepened her journalistic knowledge in the master's degree in multimedia information and communication. This was followed by a traineeship in the editorial team. Since September 2020 she has been writing as a freelance journalist for

More posts by Lisa Vogel All content is checked by medical journalists.

There are several proven home remedies for treating otitis media. They can alleviate the discomfort and support healing. Here you can read everything you need to know about ear infections and home remedies.

ICD codes for this disease: ICD codes are internationally recognized codes for medical diagnoses. They can be found, for example, in doctor's letters or on certificates of incapacity for work. H65H67

Middle Ear Infection: Onion Home Remedies

The onion contains many health-promoting ingredients. Which of these helps with otitis media? Its main active ingredients are sulfur-containing compounds such as alliin. Other ingredients - such as essential oils - also make them an effective home remedy.

Onion sacs for otitis media

The warm onion sachet is a well-known home remedy for otitis media. On the one hand, it increases blood flow to the ear and, on the other hand, it relieves pain. In addition, substances found in the onion inhibit inflammation, kill pathogens and therefore accelerate the healing of otitis media.

To do this, peel an onion, cut it into small pieces and wrap it in a cloth. Warm the package between two hot water bottles, over a pot with steam, in the microwave or on the heater. If the package is too moist, wring it out - but be careful, it's hot!

Place the package on the ear and secure it with a hat or a cloth.

You can read more about the correct application and effects in the article onion sachets.

Chamomile flowers have a similar effect. If you don't like the pungent smell of onions, prepare the sachet with chamomile flowers.

Home remedies for otitis media: warmth

Warmth is a tried and tested means, especially for many chronic inflammations, but also for acute infections in the body. See if you find the heat treatments comfortable.

Red light for otitis media

The use of infrared light for otitis media increases the blood circulation in the ear. This in turn improves the metabolism and thus supports the healing process. Many patients find this pleasant. In addition, the heat liquefies ear secretions that are caused by the otitis media. Home remedies with a warming effect support their drainage.

Infrared rays can damage the eyes - even when the eyelids are closed. Therefore, especially when using it in the face area, keep a sufficient safety distance (30 to 50 centimeters, see also instructions for use), put on suitable protective goggles and close your eyes in a relaxed manner.

Hot water bottle, grain pillow

If you do not have a red light lamp, you can also try a heat treatment with the help of a hot water bottle or with a grain pillow (cherry stone pillow).

Fill the hot water bottle with warm (not boiling) water or heat the pillow according to the manufacturer's instructions. Then place it on your ear. Let the heat work for as long as it is comfortable.

As a precaution, people with a neurological or cardiovascular disease should consult a doctor before undergoing heat treatment. Apply heat only for as long as it is comfortable.

If you feel uncomfortable with warmth, try cold weather on your ear - for example, a damp compress or a cool pillow. Some patients also find this beneficial in the case of otitis media.

Decongestant home remedies

Decongestants are mostly used for a blocked nose or inflamed sinuses. If you have otitis media and an earache, they can help take the pressure off the inflamed ear.

Table salt nasal drops

Nasal drops containing saline relieve a stuffy nose when you have a cold. This also allows them to reduce the pressure in the ear and thus counteract ear pain. Because the ear is connected to the nasopharynx via the so-called Eustachian tube. If the nasal mucous membranes swell, the tube can open more easily, drainage of secretion from the ear and thus alleviate ear discomfort.

To do this, dissolve exactly nine grams of table salt in one liter of boiled water. Then fill this saline solution into a pipette bottle or a vial with a spray attachment (rinse with hot water beforehand). Then put three to five drops or two sprays into each nostril several times a day. It is best to change the saline solution every two days.

Inhale with steam

Inhalation with steam also has a decongestant and expectorant effect and can relieve the symptoms of otitis media. In the process, inhale hot water vapor. Additives such as essential oils or salt support the effect.

You can read more about this in the article Inhale.

Tea for otitis media

What else helps with otitis media? Various herbal teas can relieve the pain of inflammation. Suitable medicinal plants include:

  • Chamomile: The tea has a slight anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Meadowsweet: This rose plant is considered a natural pain reliever.
  • Willow bark: Prepared as a tea, the medicinal plant has a pain-relieving effect and counteracts high temperatures.

You can find out exactly how to prepare the teas in the corresponding medicinal herb articles.

Otitis media: home remedies for children

Babies and children often suffer from otitis media with uncomfortable ear pain. You can theoretically use an onion sachet with small children, but they are often sensitive to touching the ear. It is best to place the onion sachet in the baby bed near the head. Then it also works against a blocked nose and clears the airways. If your child does not like the smell of the onion, replace the contents with chamomile flowers.

When using a grain pillow or hot water bottle, be careful that the home remedy is not too hot for your child. Always test the temperature on the back of your hand or ear first. It is best to wrap the aids, for example in a cheesecloth.

The red light lamp is also an alternative for children. However, special care must be taken here to protect the children's eyes. They seldom keep still, even when they are sick.

Gentle and drink

As with all acute infections, it is advisable to treat otitis media: take care of yourself and drink enough.Try to drink at least two liters a day, preferably water or tea. Use the cooked chamomile tea, the tea bag of which you have placed on your ear!

Taking antibiotics for an otitis media can change your intestinal flora. Home remedies such as probiotic yogurt then support the natural intestinal flora.

Home remedies: olive oil for otitis media

Anyone looking for home remedies for otitis media on the Internet will occasionally find the tip of dripping slightly warmed olive oil into the affected ear. It is not advisable to do so.

If the eardrum is damaged, this can make the symptoms worse. In addition, germs can get into the ear with the oil.

Home remedies have their limits. If the symptoms persist over a longer period of time and do not get better or even worse despite treatment, you should always consult a doctor.

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