Children should not swallow pool water

Christine Albert studied German linguistics and literature as well as Scandinavian studies at the Albert Ludwigs University in Freiburg. She is currently doing a traineeship at Hubert Burda Media and is writing, among other things, for

More about the experts All content is checked by medical journalists.

In the summer heat, bathing is a blessing for the little ones. But in spite of chlorinated water, germs can lurk in pools. An expert explains how children stay healthy while swimming.

When children splash around in the pool, parents should warn them not to swallow water and to shower before and after. Otherwise they could get diarrhea.

Because there are germs that survive chlorine and other chemicals in the pool. Children are particularly at risk because they swallow around four times as much water in the pool as adults, explains Monika Niehaus from the Association of Pediatricians (BVKJ).

Parasite infections

Possible consequences of an infection with parasites such as cryptosporidia and lamblia are watery diarrhea, abdominal cramps and vomiting - these show up around a week after bathing and last up to two weeks.

Even the smallest traces of infected excrement on the bottom are enough to contaminate the pool water, warns the pediatrician. This is another reason why the shower before bathing is important. Parents should also send small children to the toilet every hour while they are splashing around.

What to do if you have diarrhea and when to see a doctor

What to do if your child has diarrhea:

  • Compensate for fluid and mineral salt loss
  • Check temperature
  • Give binding food that is low in fat and irritation
  • No cola, no pretzel sticks!
  • Then the following applies: Do not go into the pool for two weeks so that your pathogens do not spread any further. This also applies if the children no longer have any complaints, because they still excrete the germs for longer.

Caution: Diarrhea and vomiting can quickly dry out the body, especially in small children! Signs for this are e.g.

  • dry mouth, dry lips
  • white, sagging skin
  • decreased urine excretion
  • sleepiness

Off to the doctor!

Go to the doctor is the name of the game

  • prolonged diarrhea
  • Colic
  • high fever
  • Blood in the stool

Even if their immune system is also weakened, parents should take them to the doctor, advises Niehaus.

You can find out more in the article "Diarrhea in babies and toddlers".
(approx / dpa)

Tags:  tcm laboratory values anatomy 

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