Multiple sclerosis: be careful with beta interferons

Luise Heine has been an editor at since 2012. The qualified biologist studied in Regensburg and Brisbane (Australia) and gained experience as a journalist in television, in the Ratgeber-Verlag and in a print magazine. In addition to her work at , she also writes for children, for example for the Stuttgarter Kinderzeitung, and has her own breakfast blog, “Kuchen zum Frühstück”.

More posts by Luise Heine All content is checked by medical journalists.

MunichBeta interferons keep the excessive immune system in check in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). But the active ingredient increases the risk of kidney damage, warns the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM).

The institute reports that two dangerous kidney ailments occurred more frequently after the use of beta interferons: the so-called thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA), which leads to high blood pressure, confusion, fever and impaired kidney function. And the nephrotic syndrome, in which the kidneys of those affected no longer work properly either. Both diseases can occur several weeks to years after the start of treatment, and the former even resulted in death. With its warning, the BfArM wants to ensure that doctors who use these active substances in their MS patients keep an eye on their patients' kidney values. If the kidney values ​​deteriorate, the beta interferons should be discontinued immediately and treatment for the kidney disease initiated.

Suppressed inflammation

Beta interferons indirectly suppress the inflammatory processes in the nerve cells in multiple sclerosis: They presumably prevent certain white blood cells (T lymphocytes) from entering the blood vessels. This prevents them from entering the brain and starting the destruction of the myelin sheaths - an important insulating layer on nerve cells. Interferons also inhibit the formation of inflammatory proteins. In doing so, they reduce the number and severity of the relapses that MS patients often experience.

It has long been known that the immunomodulating effect of the drug has its price. Possible side effects include an increase in liver values, a rash, depression, insomnia or thyroid disorders.

Source: Press release of the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices: Safety-relevant information on beta interferons: Risk of thrombotic microangiopathy and nephrotic syndrome (accessed on 08/20/2014)

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