Constipation in Pregnancy

Dr. rer. nat. Daniela Oesterle is a molecular biologist, human geneticist and trained medical editor. As a freelance journalist, she writes texts on health topics for experts and laypeople and edits specialist scientific articles by doctors in German and English. She is responsible for the publication of certified advanced training courses for medical professionals for a renowned publishing house.

More about the experts All content is checked by medical journalists.

A large number of women suffer from constipation during pregnancy: irregular and hard bowel movements, excessive pressing and the feeling of not having emptied completely are the typical signs. The causes of constipation are manifold. Changes in hormone levels and less exercise, for example, slow down bowel motility. In addition, the growing child presses on the intestines. Find out more about the causes and treatment of pregnancy-related constipation here!

Pregnancy: Constipation is common

Up to 44 percent of all pregnant women worldwide suffer from constipation. It is characterized by irregular and hard bowel movements, a slow movement of food through the intestines, excessive pressing and a sensation of never having completely emptied.

Those who suffer from constipation are also often plagued by gas and hemorrhoids (from excessive pressing). Constipation during pregnancy can therefore severely impair general well-being and quality of life in many ways.

How does constipation occur during pregnancy?

Constipation during pregnancy is caused by several factors:

  • Higher hormone levels (such as progesterone) slow down bowel motility and thus the transit or passage time of food until stool.
  • Less exercise also reduces bowel motility in pregnant women.
  • The uterus, which becomes larger, especially in the third trimester, presses on the intestines.
  • The increasingly larger child also presses on the intestines.
  • Insufficient fluid intake can also lead to constipation.
  • The dietary supplement iron, which many pregnant women must take, can cause constipation as a side effect.
  • A changed diet can also affect digestion.
  • Stress, anxiety, or depression in the expectant mother are other factors that can contribute to constipation.

Factors such as the increasing size of the uterus and child are the reason why constipation often increases as pregnancy progresses. Studies have shown that the transit time of food to defecate is sometimes considerably longer over the course of the nine months.

More triggers for constipation during pregnancy have recently been discussed: A higher age of the pregnant woman (over 35 years) and a higher body mass index (BMI) before pregnancy probably increase the likelihood of constipation.

Pregnancy: Here's What You Can Do For Constipation

To relieve constipation during pregnancy or, in the best case, avoid it, a few simple measures often help:

  • Exercise regularly, preferably in the fresh air (good for you and your child!) For about 30 minutes a day.
  • Drink enough water, herbal tea, or diluted juices.
  • Eat high fiber foods like whole grains and fruits.
  • Avoid foods that are difficult to digest and gas, such as legumes, cabbage vegetables, and onions.
  • If possible, avoid foods that inhibit digestion such as bananas, chocolate or white flour products.
  • Eat slowly and chew well - digestion starts in the mouth!

Medicinal plants for constipation

Medicinal herbs such as flaxseed and flea seeds can be very helpful for constipation during pregnancy. They stimulate bowel motility and so relieve constipation. Make sure to use them correctly - it is especially important that you consume flaxseed or flea seeds with sufficient liquid. Otherwise the constipation can worsen!

Drugs for constipation

Pregnancy is a very sensitive time for the child. You should therefore avoid medication if possible. However, if the constipation is very pronounced during pregnancy, you can - always after consulting your gynecologist! - are taking a gentle laxative (laxative).

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