Serenity protects the heart

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Healthy blood vessels are critical to heart health. People with a balanced mind seem to have an important asset up their sleeve in this regard: the better one can deal with stressful situations in youth, the lower the risk of developing coronary heart disease (CHD) in old age appears, according to a Swedish study.

Stress has long been known as a risk factor for CHD. In such cases, the coronary arteries that supply the heart muscle with blood become “calcified”. In addition to obesity, lack of exercise, smoking and the common diseases of high blood pressure and diabetes as well as high cholesterol levels, stress promotes CHD - after all, the most common cause of death in western industrialized countries. What is new is that, in addition to avoiding stress, dealing correctly with emotional stress also seems to be beneficial to health.

Stress tolerance among soldiers

A Swedish research team led by epidemiologist Cecilia Bergh from the University of Örebro has searched the files of conscripts between the ages of 18 and 19 years. When they were drafted in the 1950s, the soldiers were examined by psychologists for their stress tolerance. Half a century later, the scientists determined the possible occurrence of coronary heart disease in almost a quarter of a million ex-soldiers. The astonishing result: men who were quickly “on the palm” as adolescents had a 17 percent higher risk of CHD in old age. And they were physically less fit compared to their more balanced comrades.

Stress reduces fitness

Stressed people, the researchers deduce from the "lack of fitness" finding, the stress literally stands in the way. They cannot develop properly in sports and are therefore more prone to cardiovascular diseases. Smoking or reaching for a bag of chips with the respective effects are typical reactions in stressful situations that could increase the risk of CHD in the long term. Although these assumptions are still speculation today, it is certain that several mechanisms are at play.

Coronary heart disease

In coronary artery disease, arteriosclerotic changes ("vascular calcification") lead to a narrowing of the coronary arteries and the blood supply to the heart muscle is poor. Doctors also refer to CHD as ischemic heart disease, as constricted coronary arteries can lead to oxygen deficiency (ischemia) in parts of the heart. If CHD is not treated, heart failure can develop and the risk of a heart attack increases.

Source: Bergh C. et al. Stress resilience and physical fitness in adolescence and risk of coronary heart disease in middle age; Heart 2015; 101: 623-629 doi: 10.1136 / heartjnl-2014-306703

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