Wisdom tooth surgery

Valeria Dahm is a freelance writer in the medical department. She studied medicine at the Technical University of Munich. It is particularly important to her to give the curious reader an insight into the exciting subject area of ​​medicine and at the same time to maintain the content.

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Wisdom tooth surgery is a dental procedure used to remove wisdom teeth. A common reason for the procedure is that there is not enough space in the mouth for the wisdom teeth of many people. These can then not break through and remain completely or partially enclosed in the jaw. Read more about the wisdom teeth surgery - procedure and possible risks.

What is wisdom tooth surgery?

During a wisdom tooth operation, one tries to remove wisdom teeth that have not yet erupted as painlessly as possible. If, on the other hand, a wisdom tooth has completely erupted, it can be pulled like any other tooth.

Wisdom teeth

The healthy, permanent set of teeth consists of two incisors, one canine, two premolar teeth and up to three molars (molars) at the top and bottom on each side. The last molar is the wisdom tooth. In tooth development, it is the last to be formed and, if the jaw offers too little space, it can remain completely or partially enclosed (retained).

Whether (partially) erupted or not - wisdom teeth sometimes lead to problems. For example, the gums can become inflamed or the wisdom tooth can damage or displace neighboring teeth when they erupt.

When do you have a wisdom tooth operation?

Wisdom tooth surgery may be necessary in the event of pain and feelings of tension due to retention. There are other reasons for having a wisdom tooth removed. These include:

  • Inflammation when the wisdom tooth erupts (difficult tooth eruption = Dentitio difficilis)
  • Tooth decay or inflammation of the roots of the wisdom tooth
  • Endangerment of other teeth and tooth roots due to lack of space
  • Misaligned teeth due to the additional tooth
  • Cysts

What do you do during a wisdom tooth operation?

First, the dentist will discuss your medical history with you (anamnesis). Tell them if you have a bleeding tendency or if you are taking anticoagulant medication. This enables him to better estimate the likelihood of bleeding after a wisdom tooth operation.

Preparing for a possible wisdom tooth operation also includes the dentist carefully examining your teeth and taking an X-ray of them. Based on the results, he will then decide whether you should have your wisdom teeth pulled or not.

The anesthesia

Usually, the dentist will administer a local anesthetic (local anesthetic) before the wisdom tooth operation. This eliminates pain during the procedure. In the case of complicated operations or states of anxiety in the patient, general anesthesia, twilight sleep anesthesia or nitrous oxide can also be used in a wisdom tooth operation:

  • If you are under general anesthesia, you will not even notice the operation. However, this comprehensive anesthesia is significantly more stressful for the organism than local anesthesia.
  • With twilight sleep anesthesia, in addition to the local anesthetic, you will be injected with a drug that relaxes the muscles and dampens fears.
  • Laughing gas is continuously administered through a nasal mask and has a similar effect to twilight anesthesia.

The engagement

The surgeon first removes the mucous membrane over the impacted wisdom tooth and the surrounding gums with a scalpel. If the wisdom tooth is still firmly anchored in the jawbone, the bone must be removed slightly. Then the dentist loosens the wisdom tooth with the help of special levers and pliers and removes it. If necessary, the wisdom tooth - for example in an unfavorable position - must also be dismantled during the wisdom tooth operation and then removed in pieces.

After the operation, the surgeon closes the wound with several sutures.

Since the tissue of the lower jaw is much more compact than that of the upper jaw, tooth extraction is more complicated here.

After the operation

If the wisdom tooth operation was carried out under general anesthesia, you will then remain in the clinic for several hours for observation. After a local anesthetic, twilight anesthesia or treatment with nitrous oxide, however, you can go home immediately after the procedure.

To keep pain and swelling as low as possible, you will be given pain medication and should cool the operated area (e.g. with ice cubes wrapped in a cloth on your cheek).

If you have to have all four wisdom teeth extracted, it is advisable to allow enough time between treatments on the right and left sides. This allows you to use the other side to chew while one side is healing.

What are the risks of a wisdom tooth operation?

Swelling and pain are common side effects of wisdom tooth surgery. As with any intervention, there are also other surgical risks. These include:

  • Infections
  • Bleeding
  • Injury to nerves, muscles or bones
  • Broken jaw in damaged jaws
  • Opening of the maxillary sinus
  • Damage to other teeth

Wisdom tooth operation in the upper jaw

Sometimes the roots of the teeth protrude into the maxillary sinus, which lies above the upper jaw. If it is accidentally opened during a wisdom tooth operation, it must be surgically closed again.

Wisdom tooth surgery in the lower jaw

Since the distance between the mandibular nerve (nervus alveolaris inferior) and the tooth roots can be very small, it is in rare cases irritated during the operation. This can cause tingling or numbness in the lower lip and chin area, but this will go away after a while.

What do I have to consider after a wisdom tooth operation?

Jaw fractures during or after a wisdom tooth operation are extremely rare. They occur in less than every 100,000th patient and are usually the result of advanced bone loss (osteoporosis). As a precaution, however, you should avoid biting very hard in the first few months after the operation in order not to overload the possibly still weakened jaw.

You can read what else you need to consider after the procedure in the text After wisdom tooth surgery

Eating after a wisdom tooth operation

Special recommendations apply to eating after a wisdom tooth operation. For example, you shouldn't eat yogurt or cheese straight away after the procedure.

You can read why this is so and what else you should consider nutritionally in the text Eating after wisdom tooth surgery

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