The right desk: this is important to note!

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Arched or kidney-shaped - desks are now available in many variants, far removed from the traditional rectangle. However, many office workers clamp themselves under the worktop or bend over it in an unhealthy way because the table cannot be ergonomically adjusted. Read which desk is the right one!

The right height

A good desk should be adjustable in height to the size of the user. A height adjustability between 68 and 76 centimeters is recommended. It is also important that the desk does not restrict legroom with drawers, bulges or supports. The leg room should be at least 60 inches wide, 60 inches deep and 65 inches high.

The size

Recommendations provide for a minimum width of 120 centimeters and a minimum depth of 80 centimeters. However, so that there really is enough space for work and equipment, the size of the work table should be 160 centimeters by 80 centimeters.

Tables whose shape does not correspond to the usual rectangle have also proven themselves. These so-called free-form tables, for example, have an arch shape or are deeper on one side than on the other. This creates more space within easy reach and a better overview of the work tools and documents.

Surface and color

The low degree of reflection (no reflections) is particularly important. The table surface should be matt and in neutral tones. This prevents unnecessary distractions and is easy on the eyes.

The surface of the desk should also not feel cold to the touch. After all, you spend several hours at this table every day - whether in the office or in the home office. Glass tables, for example, look nice, but are less suitable as work tables.

Standing desks / sit-stand tables

Alternating between sitting and standing is generally recommended and helps prevent common office illnesses such as back pain. Desks that can be adjusted in height manually or at the push of a button are best suited for this. The table top then moves up or down.

However, occupational physicians advise against pure standing workplaces, for example a standing desk. However, a rigid standing desk can serve as an additional workstation. For example, phone calls or short meetings with colleagues - all work that takes place without a computer and monitor - can be done at a standing desk. It is variety that is good for the back, muscles and joints!

Find the right table height

Once you've found the right desk for your study or office space, it's time to set it up. How to adjust the desk ergonomically and avoid bad posture:

  • Sit up straight in front of your desk in your chair - your arms and shoulders hang relaxed. Now put your forearms on. Your elbows should now be bent at right angles and only have slight contact with the work surface or "float" a little above it.
  • When working with computer screens, the middle row of the keyboard should be at elbow height.
  • If the table is too high, your shoulders will move upwards; if the table is too low, you will have to bend forward and push your head forward. In both cases, your shoulder and neck muscles react with (painful) tension over the long term.

Tips for an immovable desk

Even if the table does not adjust in height, you can use these tips to improve your workplace in a health-promoting way:

  • Adjust the seat height of your chair so that it optimally matches the table height.
  • If you are sitting too high now - your feet are not in firm contact with the floor - use a footrest, for example a small stool.
  • If you are sitting too low, i.e. your knees are too high when you bend at right angles, then you should support the table legs. Otherwise, the low work surface will force you to put on a straining hunchback posture. First adjust your seat height correctly and then support the table legs so that the work surface is at the optimal height.
Tags:  skin care womenshealth hospital 

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