Acupuncture in Pregnancy

Dr. rer. nat. Daniela Oesterle is a molecular biologist, human geneticist and trained medical editor. As a freelance journalist, she writes texts on health topics for experts and laypeople and edits specialist scientific articles by doctors in German and English. She is responsible for the publication of certified advanced training courses for medical professionals for a renowned publishing house.

More about the experts All content is checked by medical journalists.

Acupuncture therapy for typical pregnancy symptoms is not only popular but also recognized - pregnancy is usually accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Many expectant mothers also suffer from back pain. Acupuncture during pregnancy can alleviate these symptoms. This alternative healing method also seems to achieve good results in preparation for the birth, during or after the birth as well as if you want to have children. Read more about the effects of acupuncture here.

Pregnancy: treatment of ailments

Symptoms and illnesses typical of pregnancy sometimes require medical treatment. Medicines would be an effective therapy in many cases, but should only be taken during pregnancy if absolutely necessary and if the benefits outweigh the potential risks.

In many cases one can also try to alleviate pregnancy symptoms with alternative healing methods instead of medication. Their advantage: comparatively good effects and often only minor side effects. This also applies to one of the most important alternative therapies - acupuncture. Like breastfeeding, pregnancy is one of the sensitive phases of life in which such well-tolerated alternative healing methods are enjoying increasing popularity.

Acupuncture in Pregnancy

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese healing method that is thousands of years old. According to Asian teachings, the life energy Qi flows through people via various channels (meridians). If this flow is disturbed, illnesses and complaints can arise. Fine needles that are inserted into the skin at certain points along the meridians can dissolve these blockages and disturbances. The treating therapist uses Chinese diagnostics (conversation, physical examination, tongue and pulse diagnosis) to determine which acupuncture points need to be needled in each individual case.

Acupuncture has now become an integral part of pregnancy. Pregnancy complaints such as nausea and vomiting, pregnancy-related pain or back pain are often treated with the fine needles. Therapists also use acupuncture to prepare for birth or during childbirth, if the desire to have children is unfulfilled, or for artificial insemination.

Pregnancy: nausea and vomiting

Many pregnant women experience nausea, dry gagging, or vomiting. The symptoms usually occur between the 6th and 12th week of pregnancy. After all, 20 percent of pregnant women also suffer from these complaints beyond the 20th week of pregnancy.

The doctors' first tip against the symptoms is: Avoid foods, smells, activities and situations that experience has shown to cause nausea. In addition, there are medications for nausea and vomiting that can be given during pregnancy (such as anticholinergics, antihistamines, dopamine antagonists). However, the residual risk of teratogenic side effects should be ruled out beforehand, especially in the early phase of pregnancy. It is even safer to completely avoid medication during pregnancy. Instead, alternative treatments such as acupuncture can be tried:

The effectiveness of acupuncture in the treatment of nausea and vomiting after surgery or chemotherapy is undisputed. A positive effect of acupuncture in pregnancy on nausea and vomiting, however, has only been suspected so far - scientific studies on the effectiveness are rare. Some studies speak against acupuncture's benefit for nausea and vomiting. In contrast, there are many pregnant women who report positive experiences here. A final judgment is therefore still pending. Nonetheless, if you want to treat nausea and vomiting with alternative methods, you should speak to an experienced therapist - acupuncture may help.

Pregnancy: back and pelvic pain

The effects of acupuncture against back pain and pain in the pelvic floor area have been well researched. In some cases, the pain can be reduced by up to 60 percent when acupuncture needles are inserted. The alternative healing method is therefore often recommended by doctors for back or pelvic pain.

Before and after the birth

Acupuncture needles are also increasingly used to prepare for birth. Setting the needles not only helps to relax and to reduce worries and fears about the delivery: In addition, the birth should be shortened from ten to eight hours on average if acupuncture was used in the last four weeks of pregnancy. Needling also reduces pain during childbirth. In the case of a perineal incision and subsequent perineal suture, acupuncture also helps to relieve pain.

After childbirth, poor milk flow can lead to problems with breastfeeding. Acupuncture can trigger the flow of milk within one to two sessions.

Fertility treatment

In the meantime, acupuncture has become very popular when the desire to have children is unfulfilled. Despite the lack of meaningful studies, the healing method can be used as a support in fertility treatment or in artificial insemination (in vitro fertilization). Because the treated women often react positively to acupuncture: Often an improved general feeling, reduced stress and improved cycle parameters are observed. This can improve the chances of a successful embryo transfer.

Acupuncture during pregnancy: minor side effects

The side effects of acupuncture during pregnancy are mostly harmless. Slight pain and minimal bleeding at the injection sites are the most common undesirable effects. Occasionally, symptoms such as minor bruising, tiredness, headache, nausea or dizziness occur. More severe problems such as high blood pressure or preeclampsia have been observed, but there is no suspicion of a connection with acupuncture.

Pregnancy: needles for support

Even if there are often no scientifically meaningful studies on the effectiveness of acupuncture in pregnancy - in practice, good effects and no or very few side effects speak in favor of acupuncture. Pregnancy and childbirth can be positively influenced with the "needling"!

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