
and Carola Felchner, science journalist

Martina Feichter studied biology with an elective subject pharmacy in Innsbruck and also immersed herself in the world of medicinal plants. From there it was not far to other medical topics that still captivate her to this day. She trained as a journalist at the Axel Springer Academy in Hamburg and has been working for since 2007 - first as an editor and since 2012 as a freelance writer.

More about the experts

Carola Felchner is a freelance writer in the medical department and a certified training and nutrition advisor. She worked for various specialist magazines and online portals before becoming a freelance journalist in 2015. Before starting her internship, she studied translation and interpreting in Kempten and Munich.

More about the experts All content is checked by medical journalists.

A runny nose is inflammation of the lining of the nose. It usually develops as part of a cold and heals spontaneously after one to two weeks. Other possible causes of a runny nose include allergies and the use of certain medications. A common cold usually does not require treatment. However, home remedies such as herbal teas can alleviate the symptoms. Find out more about causes and home remedies for a runny nose.

Brief overview

  • Description: acute or chronic inflammation of the nasal mucosa
  • Causes: e.g. B. Cold, other infectious diseases such as Covid-19, allergies, toxins, nasal polyps, crooked nasal septum, foreign bodies in the nose
  • Diagnostics: consultation with the patient, ENT examination (including a nasoscopy), if necessary additional examinations such as a prick test, blood test, computed tomography, etc.
  • Home remedies: The common cold will go away on its own; If necessary, home remedies to alleviate the symptoms (e.g. inhalation, chicken broth, red light, quark compresses, onion packs, nasal rinsing).
  • Therapy: Medical treatment is necessary, for example, in the case of bacterial infection (taking antibiotics), nasal polyps or curvature of the nasal septum (surgery).
  • When to the doctor with long colds, with recurring colds, with other symptoms such as fever etc.

Cold: description

Medical professionals call a runny nose an acute or chronic inflammation of the nasal mucous membrane (rhinitis). The common, acute runny nose is most common as part of a cold. But there are also other forms of rhinitis such as allergic rhinitis (for example hay fever), medicinal rhinitis (rhinitis medicamentosa), gustatory rhinitis (e.g. when consuming spicy food) and vasomotor rhinitis. The latter is probably due to a regulatory disorder of the blood vessels in the nasal mucous membrane and can be triggered, for example, by changing from a warm apartment to cold outside temperatures, consuming hot drinks or alcohol or by stress.

Rhinitis + Sinusitis = Rhinosinusitis

The inflammation of the nasal mucosa in a runny nose often extends to the mucous membrane in the paranasal sinuses: due to the cold, more mucus accumulates. It provides an ideal breeding ground for germs - the result is inflammation, which can easily spread to the sinuses. If a runny nose (rhinitis) and sinusitis (sinusitis) occur together, doctors speak of rhinosinusitis.

Acute and chronic runny nose

Depending on the duration of the cold, doctors differentiate between acute and chronic cold:

>> Acute runny nose: Viruses (especially cold viruses) are very often the trigger: the pathogens settle on the nasal mucous membrane when the local immune system is weakened (e.g. due to hypothermia, deficiency symptoms or psychological factors such as stress). It is not uncommon for a bacterial infection to join in (secondary infection). It can often be recognized by the yellowish-green expectoration of mucus when sneezing or coughing.

>> Chronic rhinitis: This persistent runny nose is more difficult to treat than acute runny nose. Possible causes of chronic rhinitis are, for example, allergies (including food allergies), immune defects, cystic fibrosis, a congenital malfunction of the cilia in the airways (mucociliary dysfunction) and too frequent use of nasal drops / nasal sprays. Diseases of the nasopharynx and the paranasal sinuses, which are accompanied by a narrowing (obstruction), almost always have a chronic runny nose as an accompanying symptom, for example the curvature of the septum and nasal polyps.

Cold: the most common causes

Typically, a runny nose is a symptom of a cold. But you can sniff and sneeze for other reasons too. The most important causes of a cold are:


A cold is an infection of the upper respiratory tract, usually caused by viruses. Typical symptoms include a runny nose, cough, hoarseness and sore throat; the patients may also get some fever.

Other infectious diseases

In addition to a cold, other viral infections can also be associated with an acute runny nose, such as measles, chickenpox, influenza and Covid-19. Bacterial infectious diseases can also cause a runny nose, for example whooping cough, scarlet fever, diphtheria, tuberculosis and the sexually transmitted disease syphilis (syphilis).


If the body reacts oversensitively to actually harmless substances, this can manifest itself in a runny nose, among other things. This allergic runny nose occurs either seasonally (hay fever) or all year round (perennial). In the second case, for example, house dust mites (house dust allergy), animal hair (e.g. cat allergy), mold spores (mold allergy) or - less often - certain foods (food allergy) are the trigger.

Allergic rhinitis is accompanied by swelling of the nasal mucosa, watery, clear nasal secretions and sneezing attacks with itching. Later the nasal mucosa becomes dry. Often conjunctivitis of the eyes (conjunctivitis) accompanies the allergic rhinitis.

Toxins / irritants

Various toxins or irritants in the environment or at work can cause a runny nose (called toxic-irritative rhinitis). These substances include sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, ozone, cigarette smoke, solvents, pesticides, metals, lacquers, paints, disinfectants and dust.


Another possible cause of a runny nose are hormonal changes, such as those that occur during pregnancy, puberty, menopause, acromegaly (overproduction of the growth hormone somatotropin) or an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism). Doctors speak of hormonal rhinitis here.

Inflammation of the sinuses (sinusitis)

An inflammation of one or more sinuses is sometimes caused by infectious agents (bacteria, viruses, fungi). In other cases there are non-infectious causes behind it, for example air pollutants, tobacco smoke or an allergy (allergic sinusitis). Acute sinusitis is accompanied by a purulent runny nose as well as headache and facial pain. Doctors speak of chronic sinusitis if the symptoms occur more than four times a year or last longer than three months. They are less pronounced in chronic sinusitis than in acute.

Nasal polyps

These benign tissue growths (tumors) of the nasal mucosa usually only occur in adults. They arise in the paranasal sinuses and grow from there into the main nasal cavity. From a certain size, nasal polyps can hinder nasal breathing and cause snoring, sleep disorders and an impaired sense of smell. If the polyps block the outlets of the sinuses, it can lead to inflammation of the sinuses (sinusitis) with headache and purulent runny nose (rhinorrhea).

Enlargement of the tonsils ("pharyngeal polyps")

Pathological enlargements of the tonsils (adenoids) are often incorrectly referred to as polyps. They are common in children, impede nasal breathing and can trigger night snoring. In addition, "pharyngeal polyps" often lead to repeated infections of the upper respiratory tract with coughs and runny nose, hearing disorders and repeated otitis media.

Crooked nasal septum (septal deviation)

It is based on a malformation of the bony and / or cartilaginous nasal septum, i.e. the septum is not in the midline. The reason for this is either an injury (such as a rupture of the nasal cartilage with subsequent kinking while healing) or a growth disorder (growth of the bony and cartilaginous parts of the nasal septum at different rates). Irrespective of its cause, a curvature of the nasal septum prevents nasal breathing. This promotes the occurrence of colds and / or sinus infections.

Foreign matter in the nose

Sometimes a foreign object in the nose causes the runny nose. Small children, in particular, occasionally stick small Lego bricks, marbles, peas, nuts or other small things into their noses. The foreign bodies can get stuck, cause the mucous membrane to swell and can often no longer be blown out. In children with unilateral, purulent, chronic runny nose, an overlooked foreign body in the nose often turns out to be the cause of the symptoms.


Various medications can cause a runny nose as a side effect. Then one speaks of rhinitis medicamentosa or medicinal rhinitis. Possible triggers are, for example, certain antihypertensive drugs (beta blockers, ACE inhibitors), antihistamines (allergy drugs), antidepressants, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (such as ibuprofen), oral contraceptives, PDE-5 inhibitors (drugs against impotence) and decongestant nasal sprays / Nasal drops with prolonged use. Usually the drug-related runny nose occurs as a "stuffy nose". Some preparations also cause a feeling of dryness in the nasal mucosa, runny nose ("runny nose") or a so-called postnasal secretion, i.e. a drainage of nasal secretions into the throat.

The consumption of intoxicants (such as cocaine) can also lead to a cold.

Causes of runny nose in children

Children are much more likely to get a simple runny nose than adults because their immune systems are not yet fully developed. In addition, the little ones like to stick something up their noses out of play instinct or curiosity (e.g. marble, pea) - a common reason for a one-sided, purulent runny nose in children. A cold that does not heal in the cool season can be caused by enlarged tonsils ("pharyngeal polyps"), especially in the age group of two to six year olds.

Cold: ways of infection

Viruses are usually to blame for a cold. The most common culprits are rhino and coronaviruses, but sometimes other viruses (e.g. myxo, coxsackie or parainfluenza viruses) are also the culprits. The viruses are mainly transmitted by droplet infection, for example when a cold patient sneezes on another person.

However, the pathogen can also be transmitted by touch (contact infection): if a cold patient blows his nose or sneezes into his hand and then touches a door handle or handrail on the bus, he transmits the virus to it. If a healthy person then grabs this spot and then rubs his hand to his mouth or nose, he can become infected with the cold virus.

The susceptibility to a cold infection increases when individual body regions such as feet or head cool down. To reduce further heat loss, the body restricts blood flow; The vessels of the nasal mucous membrane also contract - the nasal mucous membrane becomes dry, which weakens the defense against cold viruses.

Cold: diagnosis

The doctor will first ask cold patients (parents in the case of children) in detail about the medical history (anamnesis). This is followed by an examination of the ear, nose and throat area.

The nasoscopy (rhinoscopy) is part of the routine examination at the ENT doctor and allows a look inside the nose. It can bring clarity if the causes of the runny nose are, for example, swelling and ulcers of the mucous membrane, nasal polyps, tumors, curvature of the septum or foreign bodies in the nose. There are three forms of rhinoscopy:

  1. In anterior rhinoscopy, the doctor inserts the funnel-shaped end of a forceps-shaped device (nasal speculum) into the nasal opening in order to examine the anterior nasal passages and the nasal cavity.
  2. In middle rhinoscopy, a flexible plastic tube or a rigid metal tube with a built-in light source and camera is used. With this nasal endoscope, the doctor examines the main nasal cavity, the nasal passages and the exits of the paranasal sinuses.
  3. For posterior rhinoscopy, he inserts a small, angled mirror into the oral cavity. This allows him to control the back of the nasal cavity.

As part of the ENT examination, the doctor can also take a swab from the nasal secretion and examine it for germs (such as bacteria, viruses) as the cause of the runny nose.

If necessary, further examinations are useful to clarify a cold:

  • Prick test: The allergy test on the skin reveals whether the runny nose is allergic. For example, certain pollen (hay fever), dust mites, mold, animal hair and certain foods (such as milk protein, legumes, fruit) can trigger rhinitis.
  • Blood tests: If an allergic runny nose is suspected, the doctor may have a blood sample tested for antibodies (immunoglobulins E, IgE) that are typical for allergies.
  • Computed tomography (CT): This imaging procedure allows a detailed examination of the paranasal sinuses (if sinusitis is suspected). CT is also suitable for determining the exact location and size of nasal polyps.
  • Tissue sample: If the doctor comes across tissue growths in the nose while looking for the cause of the runny nose, he can determine whether the tumor is benign or malignant by taking and examining a tissue sample (biopsy).

Cold: treatment

Adults get a banal (viral) runny nose about three to four times a year, children even up to six times a year. There is nothing that can be done about the cause of a cold caused by a cold. However, home remedies and medication can help clear the nose.

Home remedies for a runny nose

A common cold usually doesn't have to be treated with medication. Usually not even a nasal spray is necessary. The runny nose will go away on its own after one to two weeks. If you want to get rid of the cold quickly, you can try the following home remedies.

If you heed the following tips against colds, you will support your healing process:

  • High humidity is good for irritated mucous membranes. Hang up damp towels or place a vessel with water and chamomile or essential oils (eucalyptus, mountain pine) on the heater.
  • Exercise in the fresh air gets your circulation going. However, you should refrain from exercising or strenuous work if you have a cold.
  • Drinking a lot will keep the nasal secretions liquid. However, there is no scientific evidence that drinking more than usual has a positive effect on the course of a cold. It is important that you meet your normal fluid requirements - around two liters per day.
  • Sleeping with your head raised makes it easier to breathe when your nose is blocked.
  • Keeping Warm: Keeping yourself warm, but don't wrap yourself up so thickly that you start to sweat.
  • Red light applications: Many patients find red light very pleasant when they have a cold.

Inhale if you have a cold

Inhalation loosens mucus from the upper airways and reduces local inflammation. To do this, heat water and put it in a bowl. Sit in front of the bowl and bend over it. Cover the head and bowl with a towel so that no steam can escape. Inhale and exhale the steam slowly and deeply.

Various additives such as chamomile tea, salt or essential oils can increase the effect.

You can read more about this in the article Inhale.

Before using essential oils on children, you should always seek advice from an experienced therapist or doctor! The oils can cause irritation of the mucous membranes and breathing problems.

Compresses and wraps

Compresses and wraps with various additives help the body to get rid of the cold quickly.

Mustard flour compress: Used once a day, a mustard flour compress helps with narrowed or blocked airways.

You can read about how to use the compress correctly in the article Mustard.

Lemon compress: The essential oil of lemon has anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects, among other things. For the compress, cut an unsprayed lemon into slices. Attach two to three discs to the soles of the feet with a gauze bandage. Pull cotton socks over them. If you want to get rid of a cold quickly, leave the compress on overnight.

Horseradish topping: A horseradish topping loosens mucus when you have a cold. Place a tablespoon of freshly grated horseradish on a gauze compress, wrap it in and stick it together. Place the compress on the sinuses for a few seconds (maximum four minutes). Then rub the reddened skin with vegetable oil (e.g. olive oil). Perform once a day.

Chest wrap: A warm, damp chest wrap can help loosen the mucus in the airways if you have a cold. To do this, roll up a cotton cloth from both sides towards the middle, roll it up lengthways in a tea towel. Place the roll with protruding ends in a bowl and pour 500 to 750 milliliters of boiling water over it. Let it steep for 15 minutes.

Wring out the wrap and wrap the inner towel tightly around your chest. Wrap two more towels over it. Let it work for 20 to 30 minutes, then rest. Use a maximum of twice a day. The addition of essential oils can increase the effect.

You can read more about this in the article Breast Wrap.

Foot baths

Foot baths are a great home remedy for nasal congestion.

Soaring foot bath: The bath is supposed to stop the beginning of an infection, clear the nose and warm up the whole body. To do this, put water at approx. 37.5 degrees in a vessel that has space for both feet. Put your feet in.

After a few minutes, carefully pour in hot water until the water is around 40 degrees. End the bath after ten to fifteen minutes. Dry your feet, put on warm woolen socks and rest covered for an hour.

Mustard meal foot bath: A mustard meal foot bath stimulates the blood circulation and is supposed to loosen stuck mucus. Fill a foot bathtub or a large bucket with water at a maximum temperature of 38 degrees (so high that the water goes up to your calves). Stir in ten to 30 grams of black mustard flour.

Put your feet in and place a large towel over your knees (to protect against rising vapors). A burning sensation sets in after two to ten minutes. Then leave your feet in the water for another five to ten minutes. Then rinse the feet thoroughly and rub them with olive oil. Then rest.

Food against colds

Some foods can speed recovery from colds and colds.

Chicken broth: A tried and tested home remedy for runny nose is hot chicken soup: It fights inflammation and makes the nasal mucous membrane swell.

Garlic: The tuber has a germ-inhibiting and disinfecting effect. An effective dose against colds is four grams of fresh garlic per day. That's the equivalent of two to three toes. The toes can be cut into small pieces and eaten in a salad or on a slice of bread.

Onion: The sulphurous ingredients of the onion have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. If you have a cold, you can make an onion syrup as a simple home remedy. Preparation: Peel and dice a large onion and pour it into a clean mason jar. Add two tablespoons of sugar, close the jar tightly and shake. After about two hours, the sweet onion syrup will form. Take one to two tablespoons several times a day.

Black currant juice: Black currants contain a lot of vitamin C. Dilute the unsweetened juice with hot water and drink in small sips. This can be beneficial if you have a cold or flu. You can also have a glass for lunch and dinner during convalescence.

Radish: Black radish contains hot mustard oils and bitter substances that inhibit bacteria, viruses and fungi and loosen mucus in the upper respiratory tract. Preparation: For a radish juice, peel a black radish, grate it and squeeze it with a juicer. Take one to two tablespoons several times a day.

For radish syrup, hollow out a radish with a spoon and fill the root with honey. Let it steep for several hours. Then pour the juice into a clean mason jar. Take a teaspoon several times a day.

Tea against colds

Drinking enough fluids is a good home remedy for getting rid of a cold quickly. Water is just as suitable as tea. The following medicinal plants can additionally support the healing process as tea preparation:

  • Verbena
  • ginger
  • elder
  • chamomile
  • Linden blossom
  • Meadowsweet
  • thyme

Read more about the preparation of the teas in the corresponding medicinal herb articles.

Cold home remedies for babies

If a baby has a runny nose, other home remedies can be used than for adults.

Chamomile drops: Instead of decongestant nasal drops, you can give children with a stubborn runny nose and severely blocked noses, for example, lukewarm chamomile tea with lots of sugar as drops in their noses. This advice is of course also suitable for adults with a cold.

Breast milk: Babies with a blocked nose who are still being breastfed can drip a few drops of breast milk into their noses. It contains important antibodies and supports the swelling of the nasal mucous membrane.

Onion parcels: A home remedy for colds particularly suitable for babies is the onion parcel: Cut a quarter of the onion and wrap it in a cloth or paper towel. Place the package in a small bowl in the cot or near the bed, but at least four inches from your head. The sulfur-containing ingredients in the onion scent have an expectorant, anti-inflammatory and slightly antibiotic effect.

Medicines for colds

The symptoms of a runny nose can be relieved with decongestant nasal drops, for example. If the runny nose occurs in connection with a bacterial infection (such as a bacterial sinus infection), the doctor may prescribe antibiotics.

Depending on the cause of a runny nose, further medical therapy measures may be necessary. If nasal polyps or a curvature of the nasal septum encourage frequent rhinitis, the doctor often recommends an operation.

Nasal rinsing and nasal drops for colds

Some patients do not wait for a common cold to go away on its own. You quickly resort to decongestant nasal drops or nasal sprays to clear the blocked nose again. However, the active ingredients contained (e.g. xylometazoline, phenylephrine) can dry out the nasal mucosa if used too frequently or for a long time.

In addition, the body gets used to the decongestant effect within a short period of time. Under certain circumstances, the mucous membrane is permanently damaged, which in turn causes further colds (rhinitis medicamentosa). Doctors therefore recommend not using the preparations for more than a week.

A nasal rinse with saline solution cleanses the nose of mucus and bacteria in it. Use either a physiological saline solution from the pharmacy or a saline solution that you have made yourself.

To do this, dissolve nine grams of table salt in one liter of boiled water. Then fill this saline solution into a vial with a spray attachment or pipette (rinse with hot water beforehand). Now you can put three to five drops or two sprays into each nostril every day. Change the saline solution about every two days.

For easier use, you can get a nasal rinsing can or nasal douche from the pharmacy.

If other symptoms occur in addition to a runny nose, such as a cold with a cough, expectorant drugs and cough suppressants alleviate the symptoms. Painkillers help with headaches or body aches.

Schüssler salts

Depending on how the runny nose expresses itself, you can try a treatment with different Schüßler salts: If, for example, the runny nose announces itself with sneezing and tingling in the nose, the nose is reddened and sensitive and possibly also has a fever, number 3 will be Ferrum phosphoricum D12 recommended. In addition, you can apply the No. 8 sodium chloratum in the form of an ointment thinly with a cotton swab in and on the nose.

The concept of Schüßler salts and their specific effectiveness are controversial in science and not clearly proven by studies.

Cold: When should you see a doctor?

In the case of a harmless runny nose, medical help is usually not necessary. However, a visit to a doctor is advisable in the following cases:

  • The runny nose lasts longer than a week.
  • The runny nose comes back regularly.
  • The runny nose is accompanied by other symptoms such as severe headache, fever or yellowish-purulent secretion in the nose.

When do children with colds belong to the doctor?

Caution should be exercised in babies and toddlers with a runny nose: the inflammation of the nasal mucosa can quickly spread to the throat and lungs and then become serious. In infancy, a cold can also lead to drinking difficulties. Therefore, if a baby gets a cold, it is best to take them to the doctor on the same day. For older children with a cold, it is advisable to see a doctor if:

  • the general condition of the child deteriorates,
  • the fever rises above 39.5 ° C and / or
  • the cold symptoms last longer than five days.
Tags:  home remedies Diseases stress 

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