Body scan

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The body scan is a mindfulness exercise that covers the entire body. The aim is to mentally feel the body from head to toe in peace. This should strengthen the relationship between body and mind and reduce stress. Here you can read an example of how to use the Body Scan and find out which tools you can use during the exercise

Body scan: what do i need?

In principle, you do not need any aids for the body scan. So that you lie more comfortably during the exercise, we recommend a yoga mat or blanket, possibly with a pillow. Some prefer not to mentally go through the exercise alone, but rather to listen to a tape with spoken instructions. You can also play music during the body scan.

Body Scan: Instructions

Below is an example of a body scan guide. The entire exercise takes anywhere from ten to forty-five minutes, depending on how much time you want to take.

  • Lie on your back in a comfortable position, for example on a yoga mat. You can stretch or bend your legs. Place your arms on the sides of your body.
  • Bring the focus to your inner attitude, your feelings and thoughts. If necessary, try not to push away unpleasant thoughts, but give them space until they move on by themselves.
  • Now concentrate on your breathing for a few minutes. Make sure you breathe calmly and slowly. Imagine your breath flowing up and down your body like a breath of wind.
  • Now the mental palpation of the body begins. Draw your attention to your toes first, then your feet, your lower legs, and so on. Gradually work your way up your body. For each area of ​​the body, pay close attention to how it feels. If your mind wanders, go back to your breathing rhythm first, then your body, and continue with the Body Scan.
  • You should spend the last few minutes of the body scan as relaxed as possible. You no longer have to actively concentrate on something, you can simply rest.
  • To complete the body scan, straighten up slowly. You may want to sit up first and sit for a moment so that you don't get dizzy when you get up.
  • If you want, you can write down your experiences afterwards. In this way, you can better monitor your personal progress after performing a body scan several times.
Tags:  menopause menshealth magazine 

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