
Eva Rudolf-Müller is a freelance writer in the medical team. She studied human medicine and newspaper sciences and has repeatedly worked in both areas - as a doctor in the clinic, as a reviewer, and as a medical journalist for various specialist journals. She is currently working in online journalism, where a wide range of medicine is offered to everyone.

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The appendix (appendix vermiformis) is an appendage of the appendix (cecum or cecum). The appendix itself is sometimes mistakenly called the appendix and its inflammation is called appendicitis. Its main function in early childhood is the immune system. Read everything you need to know about the appendix: What does it look like? What is his role? On which side is the appendix with its appendix?

Appendix: appendage of the appendix

The appendix vermiformis is a worm-shaped, thin appendix at the lower end of the appendix (cecum or cecum). It is usually between two and 20 centimeters long (in individual cases up to 30 centimeters) and has a narrow diameter of about six millimeters. A valve-shaped fold of the mucous membrane, the Gerlach valve, lies between the appendix and appendix.

The appendix can be partially or completely closed, contain mucus or also intestinal contents. It is suspended movably between the end of the ileum (ileum) and the cecum with a small, triangular peritoneum duplication (mesenteriolum).

Where is the appendix with the appendix located?

Even if the cramp-like pain in appendicitis is initially localized in the umbilical region - the appendix is ​​located in the right lower abdomen and not in the middle of the abdomen. The position of the appendix is ​​variable: it can reach over the cecum into the small pelvis at the bottom right. This can cause problems for women because of the close proximity to ovaries and fallopian tubes: An appendicitis is often difficult to differentiate from an ovarian or fallopian tube inflammation.

The appendix is ​​seldom turned upwards, where it can lie in front of or next to the appendix. It is also relatively often behind the cecum.

In the second half of pregnancy, the appendix and appendix can be severely displaced by the enlarged uterus.

What is the function of the appendix?

The inner mucous membrane of the appendix contains numerous lymph follicles for immune defense, which is why it is also called "intestinal tonsil". In the case of diarrheal diseases, useful bacteria can survive in the appendix and from there colonize the entire large intestine again. This appendix function (actually the appendage function) is particularly important in countries with poor hygienic conditions.

What problems can the appendix cause?

An inflammation of the appendix is ​​actually an inflammation of the appendix (appendicitis). It is the most common abdominal disease and affects children between 10 and 15 years of age in particular - boys more often than girls. Appendicitis rarely occurs in young children and the elderly.

Often the inflammation develops because the appendix is ​​clogged with feces or kinked. Often there is also an intestinal infection behind it. An inflamed appendix is ​​usually surgically removed.

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